Conclusion Let us walk with Christ while praying as he did, God’s will obeying, “Let your will, not mine, be done.” Caminemos con Cristo mientras rezamos como él, obedeciendo la voluntad de Dios, "Hágase tu voluntad, no la mía". Verse Selections from GIA Unbound's...

Lenten Way of the Cross
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 14
Station 14 Some believe the awful journey finishes all bleak and stony,yet a new life will arise. Algunos creen que el horrible recorrido termina sombrío y pedregoso, pero surgirá una nueva vida.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound's Text by Alan Hommerding Spanish...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 13
Station 13 There between the earth and heavendeath appears, in triumph, proven: Jesus draws his final breath. Allí entre la tierra y el cielo aparece la muerte, triunfante, probada: Jesús exhala su último aliento.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound's Text by Alan...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 12
Station 12 John, Beloved, Mary Mother; each one caring for the other as a sign of Jesus’ love. Juan, amado, María Madre; cada uno cuidando del otro como signo del amor de Jesús. Verse Selections from GIA Unbound's Text by Alan Hommerding Spanish Translation by Israel...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 11
Station 11 Hear the good thief, guilt confessing; Jesus grants a final blessing: “Live with me in Paradise.” Escucha al buen ladrón, confesando su culpa; Jesús le concede una bendición final: "Vive conmigo en el Paraíso". Verse Selections from GIA Unbound's Text by...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 10
Station 10 Weak the body, battered, failing, fleshnow torn by soldier’s nailing;on the Cross, the Savior reigns. Débil el cuerpo, maltrecho, desfallecido, la carne ahora desgarrada por la lanza del soldado; en la Cruz, reina el Salvador.Verse Selections from GIA...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 9
Station 9 Israel’s own daughters,weeping come to Jesus,comfort seeking in the time of their distress. Débil el cuerpo, maltrecho, desfallecido, la carne ahora desgarrada por la lanza del soldado; en la Cruz, reina el Salvador.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText by...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 8
Station 8 Simon, one with Jesus bearing, shows the way of our own sharing, taking up our daily cross. Simón, uno con el mismo Jesús, muestra el camino de nuestro propio compartir, asumiendo nuestra cruz diaria.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText by Alan...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 7
Station 7 In the weight of crossbeams wooden Jesus feels the heavy burdenof our frail humanity. En el peso de los travesaños de madera Jesús siente la pesada carga de nuestra frágil humanidad.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText by Alan Hommerding Spanish...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 6
Station 6 Scourged and robed in royal purple,piercing thorns his brow encircle. “Hail!”Behold our suff’ring King. Azotado y vestido de púrpura real, espinas punzantes rodean su frente. "¡Salve!" He aquí a nuestro sufriente Rey.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText...