A Selection of Choral Music Suggestions
from the GIA and WLP Catalogs
First Sunday of Advent, Year A
Advent Gathering Rite Brett C. Ballard SAB, cantor, assembly, presider, organ, opt. handbells (005270)
Awake to the Day Ed Bolduc and John Barker Two-part choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (008207)
Bless the Corners (Launching the Boat / Traditional Irish reel) Arr. Carolyn Pirtle and Steven C. Warner SAB, organ, guitar, C instrument, violin, Ulleann pipes, opt. string quartet (007321)
He Will Come (TIME AND PLACE) John L. Bell SATB, keyboard (G-5486)
I Rejoice Kathleen Basi SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (008337)
I Rejoiced Ephrem Feeley SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard (G-9627)
I Rejoiced When They Said to Me Thomas Savoy SATB, cantor, assembly, organ (G-7524)
In the Days to Come Marty Haugen, Words Adapt: Susan Briehl SATB, cantor, solo, assembly, keyboard, guitar (G-7105)
In the Holy Temple: Entrance Antiphons for Advent Christian Cosas Two-part mixed or SAB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (G-8510)
In the Peaceable Kingdom Jeffrey Honoré SATB, solo(s), opt. assembly, keyboard, guitar, C instrument, percussion (008845)
Justly, Tenderly, Humbly Michael Mangan, Arr. Paul Tate Two-part or unison children’s choir, descant, assembly, keyboard, guitar, C instrument (008880)
Let Us Go Rejoicing Chris de Silva SATB, cantor, solo, assembly, keyboard, guitar, 2 C instruments, cello (G-8671)
Let Us Go Rejoicing Jeffrey Honoré SATB, cantor, solo, assembly, keyboard, guitar, 2 C instruments, oboe, handbells (G-9024)
Maranatha Christian Leaños and Lourdes C. Montgomery SAB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (G-10567)
Maranatha: Advent Processional (VENI, VENI EMMANUEL) Arr. Marty Haugen SATB, keyboard (G-5756)
New Jerusalem (SHANADORE) Rory Cooney SAB, assembly, keyboard, guitar, violin (G-7122)
On That Holy Mountain Joe Mattingly SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar, chimes or Glockenspiel, opt. 2 C instruments (003675)
Stay Awake, the Day Is Coming (WACHET AUF) Adapt: Lynn Trapp SATB, assembly (G-9014)
The King Shall Come (MORNING SONG) Arr. Christian Cosas SAT, assembly, keyboard, guitar (008036)
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns Denis Allaire SATB, organ (G-8535)
The Morning Trumpet (THE MORNING TRUMPET from the Sacred Harp) Arr. Alan J. Hommerding SATB, trumpet (005876)
Ven, Esperanza del Mundo / Come, Hope of the World Christian Leaños and Lourdes C. Montgomery SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (G-10573)
We Prepare Lorraine Hess SATB, cantor, assembly, keyboard, guitar (008034)
With the Alleluias Ringing to the Sky Bob Moore, Words by Timothy Dudley-Smith SATB, keyboard (005934)