May 7

Paul Shares Good News

Year 1  ( 2022 – 2023 )


Romans 1:1-17


Paul opens the letter with warm greetings to “all God’s beloved” in Rome. He shares how much he longs to visit them. He writes, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel…”

Call to Worship

(Drawn from Romans 1:1-7)

One: A letter has arrived; let us open it, and be open to it:
From Paul, a servant of Jesus, eager to share the Gospel of God:
All: the promise of God first heard in the prophets,
the Good News lived out in Jesus Christ—
the descendent of David and Child of God.
One: The Spirit raised Jesus from the dead,
All: and gives all people grace through Jesus’ name,
including us.
One: To all God’s beloved in Rome,
and in [insert congregation’s name here]:
All: Grace to you, and peace,
from God our Creator,
and the Living Christ who leads us.

Congregational Song Suggestions

“Enviados somos de Dios (We Have Been Sent by God)”

GTG 747, VT 771

Every Word and Every Breath

Text: Adam M. L. Tice

Tune: Mark Miller

Available from Unbound at

“Grace to You and Peace”

by Alice Parker

TBH 664

“I Believe in God Almighty”


VT 433

I Believe in God Almighty


Text: Sylvia Dunstan

Tune: Benjamin Brody

Available from Unbound at

“I Believe in God the Father”

GTG 481

“In Your Heart, O God, You Hold Us”

By Chris Shelton

Available from Unbound at

“Njoo kwetu, Roho mwema/Gracious Spirit”

ELW 401, GTG 287, VT 367

O God in Whom All Life Begins

GTG 308, WR 388

“Let’s Walk Together”

VT 6

“Njoo kwetu, Roho mwema/Gracious Spirit”

ELW 401, GTG 287, VT 367

Spirit of Life

VT 368

“Use Us, God”

VT 811

“Take My Life, and Let It Be”

ELW 685, GTG 697, VT 759

Take My Life, That I May Be (Toma, oh Dios, mi voluntad)

ELW 583, VT 760

“There is a Balm in Gilead”

ELW 614, GTG 792, OLOFOB 551, VT 647

“Use Us, God”

VT 811

“We Are One in the Spirit”

GTG 300, SSS 232, VT 387

Beyond the Hymnal

 “We Are Blessed (to Bless a World in Pieces)”

by Andy Flanagan