Tuesday, Dec. 19 | Audio Advent Calendar 2023

Reflection by M. Roger Holland II

“Though you are barren and have had no children, you will conceive and bear a son.”

– Judges 13:3

“Aunque eres estéril y no has tenido hijos, concebirás y darás a luz un hijo”.

– Jueces 13:3

Music Selections:

Opening TrackChristmas Medleys at the Piano

Reflection Song – “Behold, Emmanuel” | by M. Roger Holland II

Tuesday, December 19

by M. Roger Holland II | 2023 Audio Advent Calendar

“Though you are barren and have had no children, you will conceive and bear a son.” – Judges 13:3. One of the wonderful things about Advent is that it reminds us of the promises of God, and the gifts of God. Those things which have been barren so long in our lives and have yet to bear fruit can still yield a blessing. If you’ve been waiting for your gift, your blessing, don’t lose faith. God has not forgotten you.

“Aunque eres estéril y no has tenido hijos, concebirás y darás a luz un hijo”. – Jueces 13:3. Una de las cosas maravillosas del Adviento es que nos recuerda las promesas y los dones de Dios. Aquellas cosas que han sido estériles durante tanto tiempo en nuestras vidas y que aún no han dado fruto todavía pueden producir una bendición. Si has estado esperando tu regalo, tu bendición, no pierdas la fe. Dios no se ha olvidado de ti.