Song Ideas and suggestions for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 20, 2024


Entrance Antiphon: (Psalm 17 [16]:6, 8) “To you I call; for you will surely heed me, O God; turn your ear to me; hear my words. Guard me as the apple of your eye in the shadow of your wings protect me.”


Responsorial Psalm: (Psalm 33:4–5, 18–19, 20, 22) “Lord, let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in you.”

FREE PSALM setting by Bella Santander   LEAD SHEET – Lord, Let Your Mercy (Santander)


Gospel Acclamation: (Matthew 5:3) “To the Son of Man came to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


Communion Antiphon: (Psalm 33 [32]:18–19) “Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, who hope in his merciful love, to rescue their souls from death, to keep them alive in famine.”


(Mark 10:45) “The Son of Man has come to give his life as a ransom for many.”


Above All by Leblanc/Baloche (Capitol CMG/LenSongs Publishing, Inc./CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2  and VOICES  listen

All I Need by Chambers/Houghton/Brewster (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2  and VOICES “So many distractions that pull me away. Too many attractions that lead me astray…you alone are all I need…”  (Song of Preparation / Communion) listen

Be Thou My Vision by Hull/Byrne (Public Domain) “Riches I heed not nor man’s empty praise…thou and thou only be first in my heart…”  (Gathering / Preparation / Communion)

Can We Love by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) from the CD Captured  and found in the collection VOICES “Can we drink the cup that he drinks?” (Song of Gathering / Preparation) listen

Glorify Him by Your Life by Lorraine Hess (WLP/GIA) from the CD Glorify Him and the collection VOICES . (Closing) listen

Go Into the World by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) found on the CD You Welcomed Me  “Love one another as I have loved you, so shall you do, so shall you move in me…” (Preparation / Communion / Closing)

Have It All by Strand/Johnson/Taylor/Strand/Fieldes (Bethel Music Publishing/Essential Music Publishing/CCLI) “You can have it all Lord, Ev’ry part of my world…Oh the joy I’ve found, Surrendering my crowns…” (Preparation / Communion Meditation)

Heart Abandoned by Stanfill/Curran (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “God give me a heart abandoned, ever after you alone.” (Communion)

I Will Choose Christ by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) from the CD Find Us Ready  “…and as a servant he calls to me, ‘You must serve, too’…so too must I die with you…” (Preparation / Communion Meditation)

Jesus, Messiah by Reeves/Carson/Cash/Tomlin (Capitol CMG/Music Services/CCLI)  found in the collection VOICES. “He became sin who knew no sin…he humbled himself and carried the cross…” (Use anywhere except Psalm) listen

King of My Heart by McMillan/McMillan (Capitol CMG/Moniker Music Group/CCLI) “Let the king of my heart be…the fountain I drink from…”  (Song of Preparation / Communion Meditation)

Lay It Down by Brown/Maher (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “Everything I am, everything I long to be, I lay it down at your feet.” (Communion)

Lay Me Down by Tomlin/Ingram/Myrin/Redman (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “Letting go of my pride…I lay me down, I’m not my own. I belong to you alone…there’s no life apart from you.” (Closing)

Litany of Humility by Danielle Rose (WLP/GIA) (Preparation / Communion Meditation) (consider singing the Refrain a couple of times as an intro to this song– to give the assembly something to sing right away– then a cantor/soloist can lead the verses.”

Litany of Humility by Thomas Muglia (OCP) (Preparation / Communion Meditation)

Lord, I Come by Billy Funk (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2  and on the CD Celebrate the Feast  and in the collection VOICES  “…take my life. I offer it to you, living sacrifice…”  (Song of Preparation / Communion) listen

Take My Life by Tomlin et al (Capitol CMG/CCLI)  “Take my life and let it be consecrated all to thee.” (Song of Preparation / Communion)

Take My Life by Scott Underwood (Vineyard Music/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and  VOICES “Take my life and form it…my mind transform it…my will and conform it to yours.”  (Preparation / Communion Meditation) listen

We Fall Down by Chris Tomlin (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2, VOICES, and on the CD Fountain of Mercy “We lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus.“ (Gathering / Preparation / Communion) listen

We Will Serve the Lord by Rory Cooney (spiritandsong) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES and on the CD We Will Be the Light  “Power is a hunger burning in the breast to walk among the mighty and trample on the rest…some will choose to chase it…but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” (Preparation / Closing)  listen

What Wondrous Love Is This? arranged by Josh Blakesley (  listen on YouTube   “What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss to bear the dreadful curse for my soul…Christ laid aside his crown for my soul…” (Preparation / Communion / Closing)

Whatever You Do by John Angotti (WLP) from the CD Joy Beyond Our Dreams and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1 and VOICES “Whatever you do to the least of your sisters and brothers you have done to me.” (Preparation / Closing) listen