This Sunday’s Readings:
Genesis 22:1–2, 9a, 10–13, 15–18
Psalm 116:10, 15, 16–17, 18–19
Romans 8:31b–34
Mark 9:2–10
THE TRANSFIGURATION SCENE MIDWAY THROUGH MARK’S GOSPEL is the climactic crossroads where we must choose between staying in Galilee or going with Jesus to death in Jerusalem. In the previous chapter, Peter recognized Jesus’s true mission as Messiah and was quickly reprimanded for thinking that being the Messiah or his disciple saved a person from suffering. Jesus makes it clear. The only way to follow him is through the cross. The only way to save your life is to lose it.
The Transfiguration gives us a glimpse of that eternal life to come. So wouldn’t it be nice to just put up a few tents and stay a while to enjoy the view on God’s holy mountain? We know the answer. “There is no salvation for the soul nor hope for eternal life except in the cross,” wrote spiritual writer Thomas à Kempis in the 15th century. There is no Transfiguration without the cross; no conversion of heart until you have given up the very thing you cling to—privilege, status, belief in your own rightness. For the cross is that to which you say, I will give you anything but that, Lord. Anything.
Let us come down the mountain and do the hard work of taking up our cross. Transfiguration awaits those who let go of the very thing they cannot lose.
—Diana Macalintal
Suggested Music
Expanded listings for Sundays and Solemnities can be found at
Gone Forth from Home
Arr. Jennifer Kerr Budziak, Text by J. Michael Thompson
G-9141 · SAB, keyboard
While certainly pertinent for Year B in the lectionary cycle, J. Michael Thompson’s text also references the readings for years A and C. The Neumark tune WER NUN DEN LIEBEN GOTT receives a tranquil and effective treatment by Jennifer Kerr Budziak.
More suggestions for the Second Sunday of Lent…
Abraham, When Severely Tried • Paul Ritchie
Christus Paradox • Alfred Fedak, Text by Sylvia Dunstan
SATB, organ, opt. assembly with optional instruments
Fairest Lord Jesus • Arr. Marilyn Biery
Fairest Lord Jesus • Stephen Main
SATB divisi, piano
Transfiguration Prayer • David A. deSilva
Anthem for Transfiguration • Christopher M. Wicks
SATB, assembly, organ
We Shall Be Changed • Michael Ward
SATB, keyboard
SATB, solo
SATB, assembly, keyboard, guitar