Monday, Dec. 11 | Audio Advent Calendar 2023

Reflection by M. Roger Holland II

“I say to you, rise, pick up your stretcher, and go home.”
– Luke 5:24

“Yo te digo: Levántate, toma tu camilla y vete a casa.”
– Lucas 5:24

Music Selections:

Opening Track – “Coventry Carol” | from Colours 3 by Chris de Silva

Reflection Song – “Walk with Me” | by Leon C. Roberts

Monday, December 11

by M. Roger Holland II | 2023 Audio Advent Calendar

There are other things besides the physical that can have us paralyzed – frozen, unable to move. There are mental and emotional scars, weights that keep us from moving forward in life. This Advent, what might Jesus want to loose for you? Can you hear him saying to you that you are no longer bound by what’s been holding you back? Now, rise, pick up your stretcher, and go on with your life, for Jesus has set you free.

Hay otras cosas además de lo físico que pueden tenernos paralizados – congelados, incapaces de movernos. Hay cicatrices mentales y emocionales, pesos que nos impiden avanzar en la vida. En este Adviento, ¿qué podría querer soltar Jesús por ti? ¿Puedes oírle diciéndote que ya no estás atado por lo que te ha estado frenando? Ahora, levántate, toma tu camilla y sigue adelante con tu vida, porque Jesús te ha liberado.