Audio Advent Calendar – December 15

A Reflection by Sarah Wolf This is the one about whom Scripture says:Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,he will prepare your way before you. Music Selections: Opening Track – “The Coventry Carol” |  from Colours 3 Reflection Song – “Song of the...

Audio Advent Calendar – December 14

 A Reflection by Christian Jesse I am the LORD, there is no other;I form the light, and create the darkness, I make well-being and create woe; I, the LORD, do all these things. -Isaiah 45 Music Selections: Opening Track – “The Coventry Carol” |  from...

Audio Advent Calendar – December 13

A Reflection by Victoria Zibell I will extol the Lord at all times;     his praise will always be on my lips.I will glory in the Lord;     let the afflicted hear and rejoice.Glorify the Lord with me;     let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34 Music Selections:...

Audio Advent Calendar – December 12

A Reflection by David Gayes Do not be afraid, Mary,for you have found favor with God. Luke 1:30 Music Selections: Opening Track – “The Coventry Carol” |  from Colours 3 Reflection Song – “Letanía a la Madre de las Américas” |  by Tony Alonso Third...

Audio Advent Calendar – December 11

A Reflection by Michael Silhavy Then will the lame leap like a deer,and the mute tongue shout for joy.Water will gush forth in the wildernessand streams in the desert. Isaiah 35:6 Music Selections: Opening Track – “The Coventry Carol” |  from Colours 3...