It has come to our attention that page 60 in the GIA Quarterly 33.4 has the incorrect hymnal suggestions for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The correct page can be found here or at We sincerely apologize for any confusion this error has caused.

CORRECTION: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Sunday of Advent – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Expanded Planning Pages from the GIA Quarterly!View in full screen here or download at is excited to announce that GIA...
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (A)
Expanded Planning Pages from the GIA Quarterly!View in full screen here or download at is excited to announce that GIA...
Transfiguration – Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Expanded Planning Pages from the GIA Quarterly!View in full screen here or download at is excited to announce that GIA...
Most Holy Trinity – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Expanded Planning Pages from the GIA Quarterly!View in full screen here or download at is excited to announce that GIA...
Second Sunday of Easter — Pentecost (A)
Expanded Planning Pages from the GIA Quarterly!View in full screen here or download at is excited to announce that GIA...
Ash Wednesday — Easter Sunday (A)
Expanded Planning Pages from the GIA Quarterly!View in full screen here or download at is excited to announce that GIA...