Part 2: Subscription-Based Resources
Choosing the right worship aid for your community is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are many aspects to consider and a wide variety of available resources from which to choose. How do you know what the right resource is for your church?
With the acquisition of World Library Publications, GIA now has a comprehensive and diverse selection of resources for worship. From long-term to subscription-based, specialty hymnals, hardbound, softbound, traditional, contemporary, and everything in between.
In this second installment we will define subscription-based worship resources.
Our subscription-based missals and hymnals grace your pews for a limited time and are renewable. Beginning in Advent 2023 all of our missals will ship three times per year. Our subscription-based hymnals are meant to be paired with our missals and ship every three years. The one exception is Word & Song, which is a missal and hymnal combined into one book. This publication is shipped annually.
Seasonal Missalette

A classic and complete stand-alone worship resource that is 70% traditional hymnody and 30% contemporary songs.
- Two sizes (standard and large print)
- Misalito Parroquial, a Spanish language insert (standard and large print)
- Seasonal Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations
- A comprehensive weekday resource
We Celebrate

A 50% traditional and 50% contemporary resource that provides the finest texts and music that offer the right combination of stability and flexibility.
- Misalito Parroquial, a Spanish language insert (standard and large print)
- Seasonal Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations
- A comprehensive weekday resource
Optional softcover hymnal with 13 Mass settings and over 800 hymns, songs, and acclamations
Celebremos/Let Us Celebrate

A complete and affordable side by side bilingual (Spanish/English) resource with an optional hymnal.
- Easy to read English/Spanish format
- A rich selection of English and Spanish-language Psalms
- Optional three-year companion hymnal
- Two sizes (standard and large print)
Word & Song

The most affordable annual hymnal and missal combination under one cover containing 50% contemporary songs and 50% traditional hymnody.
- 700 hymns, songs, and psalms
- Ten Mass settings
- Seasonal Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations
- A comprehensive weekday resource
6×9 print size with larger type
Bottom line, GIA has a worship resource to suit every parish setting and worship style. Whether you’re looking for a long-term, hardbound hymnal, a subscription-based missal, or some combination of both.
For information about our long-term resources, see Part One of this blog series:
For more detailed information on each of the above listed resources, visit

Coming next week…