Featured song: I Am Yours (Consume Me Completely) by Trevor ThomsonTrevorThomson400

In the past I have talked about taking a piece of music and making your own custom arrangement out of what’s on the page.  A lot of the time we are reading lead sheets, so there isn’t much direction on what the arrangement should be. Today I’d like to look at the music for Trevor Thomson’s I Am Yours (Consume Me Completely) and share my ideas as well as an audio sample of how we played it at Mass.

Here are three pages of the octavo I’ve marked up.  (Same goes for a lead sheet.)

I Am Yours p1I Am Yours p2I Am Yours p3

This was one of the first times we played this song, so I really wanted people to learn it AS we sang and prayed it together. A clear introduction of the melody is crucial for a new song, and here you will notice that in the instrumental intro, as well as the first time the Refrain is sung.


This song, and many beautiful others, are found on Trevor’s new CD with WLP, In Shadow and In Light.
