Check out these songs for this coming Sunday, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ:

  1. Corpus Christi Sequence – this is the shorter version of the sequence set to music in a simple chant style (unison), with simple chord changes.



2. Paschal Mystery by Bradley Knuckles – this song works well as a Song of Preparation as the gifts are being brought forward, but especially as a Communion Song.  “Paschal Mystery, O what love divine!  Here’s the Lamb of God in the form of Bread and Wine.”  It is available as an octavolisten to a sample of the recording


3. I Am Yours – Consume Me Completely by Trevor Thomson – a beautiful song for Communion. “Bread of Life, Wine of Peace, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, consume me…” It is available as an octavolisten to a sample of the recording


4. Soul of Christ (Anime Christi) by Lorraine Hess –  this song works well as a Song of Preparation or Communion.  A fresh setting of this beautiful text. It is available as an octavo or lead sheetlisten to a sample of the recording


5. Behold by WAL – a fresh new Communion Song by WAL (formerly Jacob and Matthew) – “Behold the Bread of Life, behold his Sacred Blood.”  It is available as an octavo or lead sheet. listen to a sample of the recording