This Sunday’s Readings:
2 Chronicles 36:14–16, 19–23
Psalm 137:1–2, 3, 4–5, 6
Ephesians 2:4–10
John 3:14–21
FROM THE BEGINNING OF THIS LENTEN CYCLE OF READINGS, we have heard a consistent message: faith in Jesus will convict us. Set against the Gospels we have heard this Lent, faith can no longer be approached as an individual endeavor, practiced without sacrifice, reduced to following the law, or domesticated into a slogan—John 3:16. That often-cited comforting verse must be read in the stark light of verse 19: “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil.”
God’s gratuitous gift of the Son cannot be passively received without the return gift of a life convicted to the Light and everything that the Light came to dispel. Thus, one cannot profess faith in Christ without taking a stand for justice, without siding with the powerless, without putting one’s reputation and life on the line for those who live under the constant threat of death. For faith is not a neutral act. To receive the gift of Light in Christ without acting as people of light is to pollute the Lord’s temple. It is, as the psalmist sings, to forget the Lord. Therefore, let our tongues be silenced, our harps put away, and our lands laid waste until we remember the demands of faith in Christ.
—Diana Macalintal
Suggested Music
Expanded listings for Sundays and Solemnities can be found at
MYSTAGOGY MOMENT: “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”
When many of us hear this phrase, we think of the birth of Jesus at Christmas. But here we are in Lent hearing these words. Remember that baby who came into the word? The infant lying in a manger? He is going to be crucified on a cross to save us, but not before he experiences every aspect of human life, the good and the bad, just like what we experience in our earthly lives. He became one of us. From birth to death. From the cradle to the cross.
– Victoria Zibell
More suggestions for the Fourth Sunday of Lent…
For God So Loved the World • Donald Busarow
SATB, organ
God’s Love for Us • Ephrem Feeley
SAB, cantor, assembly, piano, cello
God So Loved the World • Edward Eicker
SATB, solo
God So Loved the World • Arr. Austin Lovelace
SATB, keyboard
By the Waters of Babylon • David Buley
Let My Tongue Be Silenced: Psalm 137 • Mike Hay
Cantor, assembly, keyboard
God Is Love • Eugene E. Englert
SATB, cantor, piano, keyboard, guitar, C instrument
SATB, cantor, assembly, piano, guitar
We Breathe in Love • Craig Colson
SATB, assembly, cantor, keyboard, guitar
Beside the Streams of Babylon • Carl P.Daw, Jr./Paul Lisicky
SATB, keyboard, guitar
Si No Me Acuerdo de Ti • Eleazar Cortés, arr. Peter Kolar
SATB, cantor, keyboard, guitar, flute