January 1

The Geneology of Jesus

Year 1  ( 2022 – 2023 )


Matthew 1:1-17


The genealogy of Jesus, son of David, son of Abraham.


God of Every Generation,
in the turning of earth and time,
you are always with us.
You walked with Abraham and Sarah,
leading them beyond their comforts
into a journey of hope and promise.
You shepherded David,
guiding him to lead your people,
granting him forgiveness for his failings.
You embraced the Exiles,
hearing their prayers in captivity,
renewing their hope through stories written and songs sung.
And, when the time was right:
you came among us in Jesus.
You come among us still.
Through every turn of earth and time,
help us to know you walk with us,
help us to trust that you shepherd us,
help us to feel your presence.

Congregational Song Suggestions

All Hail to God’s Anointed

ELW 311, GTG 149

A Thousand Stars

Adam M. L. Tice

“From the Parent’s Heart, the Firstborn”

VT 418

“God of Our Life”

GTG 686

“God the Sculptor of the Mountains”

ELW 736, GTG 5, VT 423

“In Matthew’s Gospel there are Five Faith Mothers”

Mary Nelson Keithahn, text

ST LOUIS, tune

“In the Beginning”

VT 270

“Of the Father’s Love Begotten”

ELW 295, GTG 108

“Our God, Our Help in Ages Past”

ELW 632, GTG 687, VT 203

“There is a Line of Women”

VT 546

“To Abraham and Sarah”

GTG 51

Beyond the Hymnal

 “Breaths (Listen more often to things than to beings)”

by Ysaye Barnwell