Station 8
Simon, one with Jesus bearing,
shows the way of our own sharing,
taking up our daily cross.
Simón, uno con el mismo Jesús, muestra el camino de nuestro propio compartir, asumiendo nuestra cruz diaria.
Verse Selections from GIA Unbound’s
Text by Alan Hommerding
Spanish Translation by Israel Martinez
Today’s Music Selection
Don't You Know, Mary?
Don’t You Know, Mary?
by Margaret Bonds
Reflection Questions
1. In what ways do others help you with carrying your daily cross? How have you done likewise for others?
1. ¿De qué manera te ayudan los demás a llevar tu cruz diaria? ¿Cómo has hecho tú lo mismo por los demás?
2. We are called to practice radical hospitality. Have you helped carry the crosses of the sick, the dying, the stranger, the foreigner or those on the fringes of society?
2. Estamos llamados a practicar una hospitalidad radical. ¿Has ayudado a llevar las cruces de los enfermos, los moribundos, los forasteros, los extranjeros o los marginados de la sociedad?
3. Do you have moments where you were pressed into unexpected service and you avoided it or made excuses?
3. ¿Tienes momentos en los que te has visto obligado a prestar un servicio inesperado y lo has evitado o has puesto excusas?
Today’s song selection and reflection questions provided by: Keith Kalemba