March 12

The Wedding Banquet

Year 1  ( 2022 – 2023 )


Matthew 22:1-14


The parable of the wedding banquet.

Prayer of Confession

 God of Hospitality and Welcome,
You invite us to a banquet
where the last will be first,
where the humble and the mighty trade places.
You have called us to share the feast:
where you make a place of honor for the poor,
the outcast, and the oppressed.
You send us out to invite others,
to fill your table with guests
from every walk of life.
Forgive us, Gracious Host,
for the ways we neglect your invitation,
for the ways we stop short in sharing your abundance,
for the ways we close our doors and our hearts to our neighbors.
Let your banquet overflow with grace,
and free our hearts to extend your welcome to all.

Congregational Song Suggestions

“All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly”

GTG 509

“Among Us and Before Us”

by John Bell and Graham Maule

Available from Love from Below at

“As We Gather at Your Table/Al reunirnos a tu mesa”

ELW 522, SSS 411

“At the Table, All Are Equal”

by David Bjorlin

Available from Unbound at

For Everyone Born, a Place at the Table

GTG 769

“God is Waiting at the Table”

by Adam M. L. Tice

Available from Unbound at

I’m Gonna Eat at the Welcome Table

GTG 770, VT 801

“Let’s Walk Together”

VT 6

Look Who Gathers at Christ’s Table!

GTG 506

Somos pueblo que camina/We are People on a Journey

SSS 683, VT 464

Vamos todos al banquete/Let us Go Now to the Banquet

ELW 523, SSS 412

To the Wedding Feast God Calls Us

by Delores Dufner

Available from Unbound at

We Come as Guests Invited

GTG 504

When at This Table

GTG 537

Beyond the Hymnal

 “Always Room for More”

by Fran Avni & Jackie Cytrynbaum

 “Thanksgiving Song”

Mary Chapin Carpenter