November 27
Though the Fig Tree Does Not Blossom…
Year 1 ( 2022 – 2023 )
Habakkuk 1:1-7; 2:1-4; 3:[3b-6], 17-19
Habakkuk, grieved by injustice and suffering, longs for God to respond. God does, saying that “there is still a vision for the appointed time…” Habakkuk holds to faith, “Though the fig tree does not blossom…yet I will rejoice.”
Prayer of Confession
Faithful God,
We cry to you from a broken world;
violence and wrongdoing abound,
destruction and division surround us.
Help us to know that you are near.
Help us to trust that you hear us;
and help us to hear your voice through it all.
Holy One, renew our vision;
our sight grows weary
as move from crisis to crisis.
Help us to keep watch for the signs of your coming.
Though the world around us tremble,
help us to find strength in you.
Congregational Song Suggestions
“Be Thou My Vision”
ELW 793, GTG 450, VT 549
“Blessed Be Your Name (Te bendeciré)”
SSS 449, VT 637
“En ti, Señor, mi alma encuentra paz“
SSS 75
“For You, O Lord, My Soul in Stillness Waits”
GTG 89
“Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming”
ELW 272, GTG 129, VT 216
“How Long, O God Will My Prayers Be in Vain?”
GTG 779
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
– O Antiphon for the day: O come, thou Desire of nations…
ELW 257, GTG 88, VT 210
“Out of the Depths”
Martin Luther’s paraphrase of Ps 130 in various translations
“Though the Fig Tree Does Not Blossom”
Jacque Jones, Text
Ben Brody, Tune
Available from Unbound at
“When Hope Is Crushed”
Adam M. L. Tice, text
Mark Miller, tune
Available from Unbound at
“When the Fig Tree Fails to Blossom”
David Gambrell, text
Mark Miller, tune
Available from Unbound at
Beyond the Hymnal
“The Rose”
by Amanda McBroom