Song Ideas for 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

FREE PSALM – I Will Praise You, Lord, for You Have Rescued Me – lead sheet  demo

Alive Again by Matt Maher (spiritandsong) from the CD All the People Said Amen

Alive In You by Matt Maher (spiritandsong) from the CD Overflow

Awake, O Sleeper by Ike Ndolo (spiritandsong) from the CD We are the Beggars

*Be God’s by Danielle Rose (WLP) from the collection Voices As One vol. 2 and the CD We Will be the Light  listen

Because He Lives (Amen) by Matt Maher et al (various/CCLI)

*I Am the Bread of Life by John Michael Talbot (EMI/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

*I Am the Bread of Life by Tom Kaczmarek (WLP) from the collection Voices As One vol. 2 and the CD Celebrate the Feast  listen

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the collection More Voices as One vol. 2  listen

Miracle of Grace by Curtis Stephan ( from the CD Amid Passing Things

O Salutaris Hostia (O Saving Lamb) by Tom Booth ( from the CD Captured

Sinking Deep by King/Davies (Capitol CMG/CCLI)

There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy by Ed Bolduc (WLP)  listen

We Come to You by Josh Blakesley ( from the CD Waiting

**Yes, Lord, I Have Come to Believe by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD Word for Word and collection More Voices As One vol. 1  listen


* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts. 

Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 C Instrument Book

Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 Bb Instrument Book

Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 Saxophone and Brass Instrument Book

** available as an eBundle (contains various instrumentation depending on the specific title)