Song Ideas for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Christ In Me, Arise by Trevor Thomson (spiritandsong) from the CD Christ In Me, Arise
*Come and Follow Me by John Angotti (WLP) found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2 and found on the CD We Will be the Light listen
**Follow Me by Danielle Rose (WLP) found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1 and on the CD Pursue Me listen
*Freedom Reigns by Michael Larson (Vineyard Songs/CCLI) found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2 and found on the CD Strong in Faith listen
I Will Choose Christ by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) from the CD Find Us Ready
I Will Follow by WAL (WLP) from the CD Every Day listen
I Will Follow by Tomlin/Ingram/Morgan (various CCLI)
*In You, O Lord by Ed Bolduc (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1 and on the CD The Face of God listen
Jesus, Messiah by Tomlin/Carson/Cash/Reeves (Capitol CMG/Music Services/CCLI)
Lay It Down by Brown/Maher (Capitol CMG/CCLI)
Lead Me to the Cross by Brooke Ligertwood (Capitol CMG/CCLI)
Make Your Home in Me by Ben Walthers (spiritandsong) from the CD Make Your Home in Me
Oceans by Houston/Crocker/Ligthelm (Capitol CMG/CCLI)
Rescue by Jared Anderson (Capitol CMG/CCLI)
*Sometimes by Step by Strasser/Mullins (Brentwood-Benson/CCLI)
Take Up Our Cross by Stephan/Hart/Byrd (spiritandsong)
Turn Our Hearts Around by Trevor Thomson (WLP) from the CD In Shadow and In Light listen
We Walk by Faith by Ed Bolduc (WLP) found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1 and on the CD Hymns listen
*You’re Worthy of My Praise by David Ruis (Brentwood-Benson/CCLI) found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2 and found on the CD Strong in Faith listen
* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts.
Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 Bb Instrument Book
Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 Saxophone and Brass Instrument Book
** available as an eBundle (contains various instrumentation depending on the specific title)