Song Ideas and suggestions for 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time / February 9, 2025
Entrance Antiphon: (Psalm 95 [94]: 6–7) “O come, let us worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God.”
Psalm Setting:
In the Sight of the Angels by Matthew Ficarra (GIA) Listen
In the Sight of the Angels by Craig and Kristen Colson (GIA) Listen
Gospel Acclamation: (Matthew 4:19) “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Communion Antiphon: (Psalm 107 [106]: 8–9) “Let them thank the Lord for his mercy, his wonders for the children of men, for he satisfies the thirsty soul, and the hungry he fills with good things.”
(Matthew 5:5–6) “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be consoled. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall have their fill.”
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly by Tomlin/Ingram/Barrett (Capitol CMG/CCLI)
“It all comes down to this To be Your hands and feet…” (Preparation / Closing)
Be God’s by Danielle Rose (WLP) from the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and the CD Mysteries and VOICES“Where the world is merciless, be God’s mercy. Where the world is hopeless, be God’s hope. Where there is injustice, be God’s justice…” (Preparation / Closing) listen
Can We Love? by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) from the CD Captured and found in the collection VOICES “Loving our neighbor as ourselves the kingdom of love we will know.” (Song of Gathering / Preparation) listen
Change Me by Booth/Houghton (OCP) from the CD Change Me “Isaiah met the Lord within the temple…the ember touched his mouth and his sin was burned away…” (Preparation / Closing)
Come and Follow Me by John Angotti (WLP) from the CD We Will be the Light and found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES “We are called to cast our nets into the sea…” (Preparation / Communion) listen
Come, Let Us Worship the King by Patrick Bradley (WLP) recorded by W. Clifford Petty on his CD Touch Jesus listen (Gathering / Song of Preparation / Closing Song)
Come, Worship the Lord by John Michael Talbot (Capitol CMG, Brentwood–Benson/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1 and VOICES “Come, let us bow down and worship, bending the kneel before the Lord who made us…” listen
Follow Me by Danielle Rose (WLP) from the CD Pursue Me and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1 and the collections VOICES and NOVUM. “From now on you’ll be fishers of men.” (Preparation) listen
Glorify Him by Your Life by Lorraine Hess (WLP/GIA) from the CD Glorify Him and the collection VOICES . (Closing) listen
Go Into the World by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) found on the CD You Welcomed Me “Go into the world loving the people that you meet. Seek out the poor, the sick and the lonely. Let mercy lead, as you have received, for they are my sheep.” (Preparation / Communion / Closing)
He Lives In Us by Amelia Acosta (WLP) from the collection and in the collection VOICES “…He lives in us and makes us the Body of Christ.” (Communion) listen
Heart Abandoned by Stanfill/Curran (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “God give me a heart abandoned, ever after you alone.” (Communion)
Here I Am, Lord by Dan Schutte (OCP) “Whom shall I send? Here I am, Lord…”
Holy Is the Lord by Tomlin/Giglio (EMI/CCLI) “Holy is the Lord God Almighty, the earth is filled with his glory.” (Gathering) found in the collection VOICES listen
Holy Spirit, We’re Calling You by Ed Bolduc (WLP/GIA) “…may we be for the world the hands and feet of Christ…” found in the collection VOICES and NOVUM. (Use anywhere except Psalm) listen
I Am the Bread of Life (Come and Follow Me) by Steve Angrisano and Tom Booth (spiritandsong) “Come to me and know that I’ll always be there…” (Communion)
I Am the Way by Craig Colson (WLP) from the CD I Am the Way and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 3 and in the collection VOICES listen (Preparation / Communion)
I Send You Out by John Angotti (WLP) from the CD Rise Up, My People and the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES and NOVUM. “I send you out on a mission of love, and know that I am with you always until the end of the world.” (Closing) listen
I Will Choose Christ by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) from the CD Find Us Ready “How many times must he call my name?…I give my life, I give my all to you…I choose to serve.” (Gathering / Song of Preparation / Communion)
I Will Follow by Jacob and Matthew Band (WLP) from the CD Every Day “You lead the way and I will follow…” (Preparation / Communion)
I Will Follow by Tomlin/Ingram/Morgan (Capitol CMG/Essential/Spirit Music/CCLI) “Where you go I’ll go…Whom you love I’ll love, how you serve I’ll serve…” found in the collection VOICES (Preparation) listen
Jesus, Living Bread by Tom Booth (OCP) “I’m open to your ways…” (Communion)
Lay It Down by Brown/Maher (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “Everything I am, everything I long to be, I lay it down at your feet.” (Communion)
Lay Me Down by Tomlin/Ingram/Myrin/Redman (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “I lay me down, I’m not my own. I belong to you alone…there’s no life apart from you.” (Closing)
Lord Reign In Me by Brenton Brown (Vineyard) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2, VOICES “…you mean more to me than any earthly thing…” (Preparation / Closing) listen
Love One Another by Feargal King (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 , the CD We Will be the Light, and found in the collection VOICES and NOVUM. (Preparation / Communion) listen
Send Me Out by Steve Fee (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “I wanna be your hands and feet. I wanna be your voice every time I speak.” (Closing)
Shine the Light by WAL (WLP/GIA) from the CD Always and Everywhere and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 3 “Marching on forward, bringing out your Word as we go out to the world.” (Closing)
Sometimes by Step by Strasser/Mullins (Brentwood-Benson/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1 “…step by step you lead me and I will follow you all of my days.” (Gathering / Preparation / Communion Meditation / Closing) – perhaps just the Refrain, repeated
Take My Life by Tomlin et al (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “Take my life and let it be consecrated all to thee.” (Song of Preparation / Communion)
Take My Life by Scott Underwood (Vineyard Music/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES “Take my life and form it…my mind transform it…my will and conform it to yours.” (Preparation / Communion Meditation)
The Feast Meant for Everyone by Booth/Hart (OCP) “Bread for the immigrant, bread for the poor, bread for the hungry who beg at our door. Food for the outcast waiting to belong; come to the feast meant for everyone.” (Preparation / Communion)
The Hands and Feet of Jesus by Ubowski/Hart (GIA) “Fill every darkened corner with his light…” found in the collection VOICES. (Closing) listen
The Same Love by Rossback/Baloche (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collection VOICES “You are calling us all by name.” (Preparation / Closing) listen
Turn Our Hearts Around by Trevor Thomson (WLP) from the CD In Shadow and In Light and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 3 and in the collection VOICES and NOVUM. “Hold us in your mercy, change us with your love.” (Song of Preparation / Communion) listen
We are Your Love by Trevor Thomson (WLP/GIA) found in the collection VOICES “We are your hands…reaching out with mercy…light in the dark for all to see…” listen
Whatever You Do by John Angotti (WLP) from the CD Joy Beyond Our Dreams and found in the collectionsVOICES and NOVUM. “Whatever you do to the least of your sisters and brothers you have done to me.” (Preparation / Closing) listen