Song Ideas and Suggestions for 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time / February 27, 2025

Entrance Antiphon: (Psalm 18 [17]:19–20) “The Lord became my protector. He brought me out to a place of freedom; he saved me because he delighted in me.”

Psalm Settings:

Lord, It Is Good to Give Thanks to You by Ed Bolduc (WLP/GIA) found in the collection  VOICES  listen

Lord, It Is Good to Give Thanks by W. Clifford Petty (WLP/GIA) found in the collection NOVUM

Gospel Acclamation: (Philippians 2:15d, 16a) “Shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life.”

Communion Antiphon: (Psalm 13 [12]:6) “I will sing to the Lord who has been bountiful with me, sing psalms to the name of the Lord Most High.”


(Matthew 28:20) “Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age, says the Lord.”

A Rightful Place by Steve Angrisano (spiritandsong) from the CD A New Day  and found in the collection VOICES  “To gather in your presence we came to be one in spirit, in truth and name; strengthened by the body of Christ, taking up the call now to share your light with all the world. ” (Closing Song) listen

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly by Tomlin/Ingram/Barrett (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “Years from now we’ll see the fruit our hands have sown…” (Preparation / Closing)

All Who Enter Here by Houze/Angotti (WLP) from the CD Today and in the collection VOICES.  “All who enter here, God’s loving mercy…the stranger in this land…”  (Gathering Song) listen

Be God’s by Danielle Rose (WLP) from the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and the CD Mysteries  and VOICES“Where there is confusion, be God’s truth. Where the world is merciless, be God’s mercy. Where the world is hopeless, be God’s hope. Where there is injustice, be God’s justice…”  (Preparation / Closing) listen

Breathe On Me, O Breath of God by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD Hymns and the collection More Voices as One vol. 3  and VOICES  “my will to yours incline until this selfish part of me glows with your fire divine.” (Preparation / Communion) listen

By Our Love by Christy Nockels (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “The time is now…and they will know us by our love.” (Preparation / Communion)

Can We Love by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) from the CD Captured  and found in the collection VOICES “Loving our neighbor as ourselves the kingdom of love we will know.” (Song of Gathering / Preparation) listen

Christ Is Risen by Fields/Maher (Capitol CMG/Essential Music/CCLI) “O death, where is your sting?” (Preparation / 2nd Communion)

Glorify Him by Your Life by Lorraine Hess (WLP/GIA) from the CD Glorify Him and the collection VOICES. (Closing) listen

Go Into the World by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) found on the CD You Welcomed Me  “Go into the world loving the people that you meet. Seek out the poor, the sick and the lonely. Let mercy lead, as you have received, for they are my sheep.” (Preparation / Communion / Closing)

Go Make a Difference by Steve Angrisano ( found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2and VOICES  listen  “So let your love shine on, let it shine for all to see…”  (Closing)

Have It All by Strand/Johnson/Taylor/Strand/Fieldes (Bethel Music Publishing/Essential Music Publishing/CCLI) “You can have it all Lord, Ev’ry part of my world…Oh the joy I’ve found, Surrendering my crowns…” (Preparation / Communion Meditation)

He Lives In Us by Amelia Acosta (WLP) from the collection and in the collection VOICES “…He lives in us and makes us the Body of Christ.” (Communion) listen

Holy Spirit, We’re Calling You by Ed Bolduc (WLP/GIA) “…And may we, your children, Lord, be your messengers of mercy, may our hearts and our lives be rooted in your love…may we be for the world the hands and feet of Christ…”  found in the collection VOICES  (Use anywhere except Psalm) listen

King of My Heart by McMillan/McMillan (Capitol CMG/Moniker Music Group/CCLI)  “Let the king of my heart be…the fire inside my veins, the echo of my days, oh he is my song…”  (Song of Preparation / Communion Meditation)

I Will Choose Christ by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) from the CD Find Us Ready  “I give my heart, I give my life, I give my all to you.” (Gathering / Song of Preparation / Communion)

Live In Me by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD The Face of God and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1  and in the collection VOICES  “You are glorified in me where I go and when I speak…” (Preparation / Communion) listen

Live the Love of Jesus by Trevor Thomson (WLP/GIA) found in the collection VOICES  listen

Lord Reign In Me by Brenton Brown (Vineyard) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2VOICES “Over every thought, over every word, may my life reflect the beauty of my Lord.” (Preparation / Closing) listen

Love, Burn Bright by Chris DeSilva (GIA) found in the collection NOVUM. “Christ our Light, illuminate every path that leads to you.” (Preparation)

Love One Another by Feargal King (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 , the CD We Will be the Light, and found in the collection VOICES  (Preparation / Communion) listen

Open My Eyes  by Jesse Manibusan (spiritandsong) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2  and VOICES and on the CD We Will be the Light  “Open my eyes, Lord, help me to see your face…”  (Gathering / Preparation / Communion) listen

Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collections Voices as One vol. 2  and VOICES  and on the CD Father ,We Thank Thee   “I want to see you high and lifted up, shining in the light of your glory.” (Preparation / Closing)  listen

Prosper the Work of Our Hands by Booth/Jansen/Tomaszek (spiritandsong) “You are the source of our strength and our life: prosper the work of our hands” (2nd reading) (Preparation / Communion)

Send Me Out by Steve Fee (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “I wanna be your hands and feet. I wanna be your voice every time I speak.”  (Closing)

Shine by Matt Redman (Capitol CMG/CCLI) “We will shine like stars in the universe, Holding out Your truth in the darkest place, We’ll be living for Your glory.” (Preparation / Communion Meditation)

Shine the Light by WAL (WLP) from the CD Always and Everywhere and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 3 and VOICES “Shine the light, shine his light, to all the nations, be the love, be his love that won us salvation.”  (Closing Song) listen

Shine Through Us by Danielle Rose (WLP) – from the CD I Thirst and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1  (Communion Meditation)

Take My Life by Tomlin et al (Capitol CMG/CCLI)  “Take my voice and let me sing always only for my King, Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee” (Song of Preparation / Communion)

The Feast Meant for Everyone by Booth/Hart (OCP) “Bread for the immigrant, bread for the poor, bread for the hungry who beg at our door. Food for the outcast waiting to belong; come to the feast meant for everyone.” (Preparation / Communion)

There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy by Ed Bolduc (WLP) found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 3 and VOICES  “Be merciful, just as our God is merciful. Let there be a wideness in our mercy, let there be a kindness in our hearts.”  (Song of Preparation / Closing Song) listen

We are the Light of the World by Greif

We are Your Love by Trevor Thomson (WLP/GIA) found in the collection VOICES “We are your hands…reaching out with mercy…light in the dark for all to see…”  listen

We Will Serve the Lord by Rory Cooney (spiritandsong) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES and on the CD We Will Be the Light  “Wealth can be an idol…power is a hunger…” listen

Whatever You Do by John Angotti (WLP) from the CD Joy Beyond Our Dreams and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1 and VOICES “Whatever you do to the least of your sisters and brothers you have done to me.” (Preparation / Closing) listen

Where Charity and Love Abide by Trevor Thomson (WLP) from the CD In Shadow and In Light   and VOICES “No greater love is there than this, than to lay down your life…” (Song of Preparation / Communion) listen

You are the Light by Ed Bolduc (WLP) as recorded by Cliff Petty on the CD Touch Jesus and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 3  and VOICES .  (Preparation / Closing)  listen

You are the Light by Blakesley/Cash (OCP) (Closing)

You are the Light by Sarah Hart (OCP) (Preparation / Communion Meditation)