Song Ideas for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2/12/2023

Entrance Antiphon: (Psalm 31:[30]:3–4) “Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my tock, my stronghold!  Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name.”

Gospel Acclamation: (Matthew 11:25) “Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom.”

Communion Antiphon: (Psalm 78[77]: 29–30) “They ate and had their fill, and what they craved the Lord gave them; they were not disappointed in what they craved.”


(John 3:16) “God so loved the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son, so that all who believe in him may not perish, but may have eternal life.”

Responsorial Psalm

FREE – Blessed are They Who Follow the Law by Ed Bolduc ( demo keyboard

More Songs

At the Name of Jesus by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD Hymns and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1 and the collection VOICES  “…this Lord Jesus dwells with us again in his Father’s wisdom…we exalt and we praise you led by your Spirit.” (Gathering / Preparation / Communion / Closing) listen

Be Thou My Vision by Hull/Byrne (Public Domain) “Be thou my wisdom, be thou my true word…” (Gathering / Preparation / Communion)

Beautiful One by Tim Hughes (Capitol CMG/CCLI)  “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart could fully know how marvelous, how wonderful you are.”   Found in the collection VOICES. (Closing Song) listen

Build My Life by Younker/Martin/Kapel/Redman/Barret (Capitol CMG/Bethel Music/CCLI)  “And I will build my life upon your love. It is a firm foundation.” (Preparation / Communion Meditation)

Do This In Memory of Me by Chris Muglia (spiritandsong)  “Whoever come to me will not hunger again.” (Communion)

For God So Loved the World by Ben Walther (OCP) (Communion)

From the Inside Out by Joel Houston (Capitol CMG/CCLI)  “In my heart in my soul, Lord, I give You control. Consume me from the inside out Lord. Let justice and praise Beco­­me my embrace To love You from the inside out.”  (Song of Preparation / Communion)

I Love You, Lord by Matt Maher (spiritandsong) listen on YouTube  “My stronghold, my refuge, your righteousness will see me through…”  (Preparation / Communion)

I Will Choose Christ by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) from the CD Find Us Ready  (Gathering / Song of Preparation / Communion)

I Am the Bread of Life by John Michael Talbot (Brentwood-Benson/Capitol CMG) found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1 and VOICES.  listen  ”I am God’s love revealed…no one who comes to me shall ever hunger again.” (Communion)

Lord, You Have the Words by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD The Face of God and found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1  and found in the collection VOICES  “The law of the Lord is perfect…the rule of the Lord is to be trusted…”  (Communion) listen

More Than Gold by Tom Booth (OCP) found in the collection Find Us Ready “Lord, I love your commands, more than gold is your Word, so precious to me.”  (Preparation / 2nd Communion)

Reason to Live by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD We are Faithful and found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1  and VOICES “He will be my strength that comes from God above… I will serve the Lord. He will be my passion…”  (Communion)  listen

Take My Life by Tomlin et al (Capitol CMG/CCLI)  “Take my life and let it be consecrated all to thee.” (Song of Preparation / Communion)

Take My Life by Scott Underwood (Vineyard Music/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and  VOICES “Holiness, holiness is what I long for…” (Preparation / Communion Meditation)

The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation  by Ed Bolduc (WLP) “The Lord is my stronghold and my refuge…” (Preparation / Communion)

The Rock of Faith by Ed Bolduc (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 , the collection VOICES, and the CD In Every Age  “We face the unknown…with every little act of love, I know I won’t deny you, Lord.” (Closing) listen

We Gather In Love by John Angotti (WLP) from the CD We Gather In Love and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 2  and VOICES. “United in one spirit, each different in appearance, all are welcomed in the house of God. We gather in love.” (Gathering / Preparation / Communion) listen

We Will Serve the Lord  by Rory Cooney (OCP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2  “Some will choose to chase it until it leaves them bored, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” (Preparation / Closing)

You Alone by Aaron Thompson (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and the CD 10,000 Angels  “If we hunger let us long for every word from your mouth.”  (Preparation)

You are My Rock by Michael T. Pierce (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES and on the CD Forever Will I Sing “My God is the rock where I take refuge…” (Preparation / Communion) listen