Song Ideas and suiggestions for 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2024

Responsorial Psalm

Taste and See by Steve Angrisano (OCP)

Taste and See by Trevor Thomson (WLP/GIA) found in the collection VOICES  listen  (Communion)

More Songs

Be Thou My Vision by Hull/Byrne (Public Domain)  “Be thou my wisdom…be thou my shield.”  (Gathering / Preparation / Communion)

Behold by WAL (WLP) from the CD Always and Everywhere and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 3and VOICES  “Behold the Bread of life, behold the sacred Blood. Behold the Body of Christ. Behold what makes us one.”  (Song of Preparation / Communion) listen

Better Is One Day by Matt Redman (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES and on the CD Strong In Faith “For here my heart is satisfied within your presence…”  (Gathering Song) listen

Bread Broken and Given by Thomson/Talarico (GIA) found in the collection VOICES  “Bread broken and given, wine poured and shared…may we become what we receive, Jesus.”  (Communion) listen

Bread of Angels by Curtis Stephan (spiritandsong) found in the collection VOICES “Bread of Angels, we receive you, with us now abide.”  (Communion) listen

Do This In Memory of Me by Chris Muglia (spiritandsong) found in the collection VOICES “All who will eat my flesh and drink my blood will have eternal life, and I will raise them up again.” (Communion) listen

Glorify Him by Your Life by Lorraine Hess (WLP/GIA) from the CD Glorify Him and the collection VOICES . (Closing) listen

He Answers All Our Needs by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD We are Faithful and found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1  and VOICES “Righteous is the Lord our loving Father…who is always near to those who call Him.” (Communion) listen

Heavenly Bread by Aaron Thompson (WLP) from the CD found in the collection VOICES  (verses borrow text from the Sequence)  (Preparation / Communion) listen

I Am the Bread of Life  (Come and Follow Me) by Steve Angrisano and Tom Booth (spiritandsong)  “Come to me and know that I’ll always be there…” (Communion)

I Am the Bread of Life by John Michael Talbot (Brentwood-Benson/Capitol CMG) found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1 and VOICES. “No one who believes shall ever thirst. (Communion) listen

I Am the Bread of Life (Toolan) as recorded by The Vigil Project  sheet music

I Am the Bread of Life by Toolan (GIA) “And I will raise you up on the last day.”

I Am the Bread of Life by Tom Kaczmarek (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2  and VOICES and on the CD Celebrate the Feast (Consider a slightly slower, less aggressive arrangement in the beginning.)  (Communion) listen

I Am the Living Bread by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD Word for Word  listen  (Communion Meditation)

I Am Yours (Consume Me, Completely) by Trevor Thomson (WLP) from CD In Shadow and In Light and the collection More Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES. “O Bread of Life, you will answer all our needs…”  (Communion)  listen

I Received the Living God by Brett Ballard (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2  and VOICES  “Jesus said, “I am the bread kneaded long to give you life; You who will partake of me Need not ever fear to die.” (Communion) listen

Many and One by Steve Angrisano ( found in the collection VOICES  “…and together…bringing mercy and peace to this world…” (Gathering / Preparation / Communion) listen

Miracle of Grace by Curtis Stephan ( found in the collection VOICES  “Bread of Life…those who eat this bread shall live and never die.” (Communion) listen

O Salutaris Hostia (O Saving Lamb) by Tom Booth ( from the CD Captured  listen on YouTube  “Immortal Godhead, One in Three.”

O Taste and See by Marty Haugen (GIA) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and VOICES  listen  (Preparation / Communion)

Paschal Mystery by Bradley Knuckles (WLP) ) found in the collection VOICES  “We find in you what nothing else can give. You satisfy the heart.” (Preparation / Communion)  listen

Reason to Live by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD We are Faithful and found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1  and VOICES “He will be my strength that comes from God above… I will serve the Lord. He will be my passion…”  (Communion)  listen

So Beautiful by Jacob and Matthew Band (WLP) from the CD Every Day and the collection More Voices as One vol. 2  and VOICES “Bread from heaven, Cup of everlasting life, in this meal we share the Body of Christ.” (Communion) listen

Soul of Christ by Lorraine Hess (WLP/GIA) found in the collection VOICES “Blood of Christ, inebriate me…” (Preparation)  listen

Table of Plenty by Dan Schutte (OCP) “I wait to welcome the lost and lonely, to share the cup of my love…” (Gathering / Preparation / Communion – slower)

True Love by Amelia Acosta (WLP)  listen on YouTube “We will go where the cup of love is poured, where the bread of life restores, where we meet him in true love.” (Communion)

We Come to You by Josh Blakesley ( from the CD Waiting and the collection VOICES “In the Body of Christ we are brought to new life…” (Communion)  listen

We Gather As the Body of Christ by John Angotti (WLP) from the CD We Gather In Love  click here to preview full score and listen “We gather as the Body of Christ to receive the Body of Christ. We go forth as the Body of Christ…” (Gathering / Preparation)

Where Charity and Love Abide by Trevor Thomson (WLP) from the CD In Shadow and In Light  and VOICES “And with the saints may we sing praise to Christ, our God, to Christ, our God.” (Song of Preparation / Communion) listen