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Song Ideas for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time / January 27, 2019
Psalm Setting: *Lord, You Have the Words by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD The Face of God and found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1 listen
10,000 Reasons / Bless the Lord by Matt Redman (Capitol CMG/CCLI) listen from SongSelect “It’s time to sing your song again.” (Gathering)
All Creatures of Our God and King (arr. Crowder) listen from SongSelect (Gathering)
All Praise and Honor by Paul Baloche (Capitol CMG/Integrity/CCLI) “And when all creation sings to you the King of Kings, all praise and honor are yours.” (Gathering) listen from SongSelect
All Who Enter Here by Houze/Angotti (WLP) from the CD Today listen “All who enter here, God’s loving mercy.” (Gathering Song)
And We Cry, “Holy” by Aaron Thompson (WLP) from the CD 10,000 Angels and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1 listen “The law of God is perfect, refreshing the soul.” (Closing Song)
*Anointing Fall on Me by Donn Thomas – found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and on the CD Come, Holy Spirit listen “Let the power of the Holy Ghost fall on me…” (Preparation)
As One by Jacob and Matthew Band (WLP) from the CD Every Day listen “Let us stand as one, hand in hand, and do the work of the Father’s plan as one.” (Preparation / Communion)
Behold by WAL (WLP) from the CD Always and Everywhere and found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 3 listen “…behold the Body of Christ, behold what makes us one.” (Communion)
*Build a Family by Ed Bolduc (WLP) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 1 and the Wedding Collection: Love One Another listen “We are one body, one in the name of our God.” (Preparation / Communion)
*Gathered as One by Light/Tate (WLP) from the collection Voices as One vol. 1 and the CD Gathered As One listen (Gathering)
Glorify Him by Your Life by Lorraine Hess (WLP) from the CD Glorify Him listen (Closing)
He Has Anointed Me by Aaron Thompson (WLP) listen (Preparation)
He Has Anointed Me by Balhoff/Daigle/Ducote (OCP) “The Spirit of God is upon me…” (Preparation / Communion)
He Lives In Us by Amelia Acosta (WLP) found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 1 listen “He lives in us and makes us the Body of Christ.”
Holy Is the Lord by Tomlin/Giglio (EMI/CCLI) listen on SongSelect “The earth is filled with His glory.” (Gather / Preparation / Closing)
I Am Yours (Consume Me, Completely) by Trevor Thomson (WLP) from CD In Shadow and In Light and the collection More Voices As One vol. 2 listen “Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, consume me completely” (Communion)
Isaiah 61 by Matt Maher (spiritandsong) “The Spirit of the Lord, God is upon me…” (Preparation)
*Let All Creation Sing Alleluia! by Paul Tate (WLP) from the CD Let All Creation Sing and the collection Voices As One vol. 1 listen (Gathering / Preparation)
Miracle of Grace by Curtis Stephan (spiritandsong.com) from the CD Amid Passing Things listen from SongSelect “Bread of Life…those who eat this bread shall live and never die.” (Communion)
Many and One by Steve Angrisano (spiritandsong) from the CD Age to Age “We are brothers and sisters in spirit, found in all nations yet near to the Lord” (Gathering / Preparation / Communion)
One Bread, One Body by John Foley, SJ (OCP) “Grain for the fields, scattered and grown, gathered to one, for all.” (Communion)
One Lord, One Faith by Lorraine Hess (WLP) “Spirit of God…help us embrace all the gifts you provide…” (Closing)
Audio Player
So Beautiful by Jacob and Matthew (WLP) from the CD Every Day and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 2 listen “Lord, gather your people to the table of everlasting life.” (Communion)
We Gather As the Body of Christ by John Angotti (WLP) from the CD We Gather In Love and found in the collection More Voices as One vol. 3 listen (Gathering / Preparation)
Where Charity and Love Abide by Trevor Thomson (WLP) from the CD In Shadow and In Light listen “The love of God has made us one.” (Preparation / Communion)
Your Words by Mikey Needleman (WLP) from the CD All for You listen “Your words, Lord, are spirit and life…” (Preparation)
* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts.
Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 C Instrument Book
Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 Bb Instrument Book
Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 Saxophone and Brass Instrument Book
** available as an eBundle (contains various instrumentation depending on the specific title)