Song Ideas for The Ascension of the Lord 
Jesus said to his disciples, “Go into the world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”
**At the Name of Jesus by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Hymns and the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)
Awesome is the Lord Most High by Pierce/Tomlin/Reeves/Abel (
Be Lifted High by Joshua Blakesley ( (from the CD Waiting)
Easter Song by Aaron Thompson (WLP) (from the CD 10,000 Angels and the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)
**Give Glory by Jacob & Matthew Band (WLP) (from the CD Every Day and the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)
*Go Make a Difference by Steve Angrisano (
Go Now by Aaron Thompson (WLP) (from the CD Alive in Me)
Go Out, Go Out by Curtis Stephan (
*Go Out in the World by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Awake to the Day and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)
Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise arr. by Trevor Thomson (
*He Is Exalted by Twila Paris (Capitol/CMG/CCLI)
*High and Exalted by Kyle Rasmussen
Joyful, Joyful We Adore You (sung to the tune of ‘Alleluia, Sing to Jesus’)
Many and One by Steve Angrisano ( (from the CD Inescapable Love)
No Greater Love by Assad /Tomlin/Maher (CMG/CCLI)
*Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche (Capitol/CMG/CCLI)
Send Me Out by Steve Fee (Capitol/CMG/CCLI)
*Take My Life by Scott Underwood (Vineyard/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)
Take My Life (Tomlin & various) (CMG/CCLI)
The Lord Ascends His Throne by Tom Booth (DeCristo Music)
The Same Love by Rossback/Baloche (Capitol/CMG/CCLI)
* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts.
Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 C Instrument Book
Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 Bb Instrument Book
Voices As One ® Vol. 1 and 2 Saxophone and Brass Instrument Book
** available as an eBundle (contains various instrumentation depending on the specific title)