Tradiciones of Our Faith

December 2020 Book Club Pick

Tradiciones of Our Faith
Gilberto Cavazos-González, OFM

A collection of articles for English-speaking pastoral ministers and parishioners looking to become familiar with the traditions of Spanish-speaking communities; an ever more vital and vibrant part of church life in the United States. Written in both English and Spanish, each of these articles focuses on a different tradition or custom of the Catholic Church, especially as celebrated in the Spanish-speaking cultures of the world. Each section of the book provides reflection questions.

Una abundante colección de artículos para ministros y parroquianos angloparlantes que quieren familiarizarse más con las tradiciones de las comunidades hispanoparlantes. Este recurso está escrito en inglés y español.

See below for links to free downloadable resources!

Additional Resources

Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Participant’s Guide (PDF)

Presentation Slides (PowerPoint)


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