A Blueprint for Developing Vibrant Congregational Song
New from GIA Vice President and Senior Editior Emeritus, Robert J. (Bob) Batastini is The People Sing: A Blueprint for Developing Vibrant Congregational Song.
“I believe that human nature also sometimes gets in the way of achieving vibrant congregational song in some of our churches. This small volume addresses many aspects of that issue. For the reader who is committed to improving the situation in their parish, and who has the support of the entire parish staff, it is intended to lay out a blueprint for achieving that end.”
—From the Introduction

Robert J. Batastini has served continuously as a parish musician since 1955. In 1967, when GIA Publications, Inc., moved from Toledo to Chicago under new ownership, he joined the staff as the Senior Editor, a position he held until retirement in 2007. Today he is active in music ministry as co-conductor of his parish choir, and remains connected to GIA in an advisory role as Vice President and Senior Editor Emeritus. He served a term as president of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, was named a Fellow of the Hymn Society in 2006, and served on the Music Subcommittee of the Committee on Divine Worship of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which drafted the document Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship (2007).
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