This post originally appeared on GIA's "Sing, Amen!" blog in September, 2019. This is one of the questions most of us have, whether or not we studied the organ in college, privately, or are just interested in how it all works. I happen to be married to someone who...
Instrumental Considerations
5/4 a Pianist with a New Year’s Resolution
By Thomas W. Jefferson By Lisa Marsh By Thomas Mark By Alan J. Hommerding By Trevor Barnard with Elizabeth Gutierrez
Introduction to Hispanic Music Styles, Part 2
Introduction to Hispanic Music Styles, Part 2 Join Peter Kolar and Kate Williams for this second installment of our two-part introduction to Hispanic music styles! The first part was a pre-recorded workshop and can be found on GIA's Facebook page and YouTube channel....
Introduction to Hispanic Music Styles, Part 1
Introduction to Hispanic Music Styles, Part 1 Peter Kolar shares his workshop, "Introduction to Hispanic Music Styles," originally presented at the 2020 National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM) virtual conference and was rebroadcast as part of GIA...