Instrumental Accompaniments from Taizé These accompaniments were recorded in order to support people who would like to meet to sing and pray together using the songs of Taizé, but who have no guitarist or keyboard player, and are not confident to sing a cappella....

Subscribe to the GIA Quarterly!
Traditional and Digital Subscriptions Available! Better Together! GIA Quarterly has been fully integrated with WLP’s AIM magazine, providing you with a complete planning resource that truly highlights the breadth of what GIA has to offer you! As you’ve come to expect...
Discover Your Seasonal Soundtrack!
Christmas Recordings from GIA! Have a CD shipped or create a playlist by downloading your favorite tracks from!
Advent Audio Calendar
Pause. Reflect. Pray. In this season of anticipation, join us in reflection and song. You will find a short audio program added each day of Advent. Only a few minutes long, each installment includes scripture, reflection, and a musical selection presented by a member...
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Of Womb and Tomb A Special Prayer Resource to Help Those on the Grief Journey Those who struggle with the inability to conceive, those who know the pain of losing a child before birth, and those who have faced their infant's death at the time of birth know that this...
Meditative Music for Holy Week
Meditative Music for Holy Week Holy Week is a busy time for church musicians! Find time for quiet reflection during these holiest of days with the instrumental recordings featured in GIA's 2021 Lenten Audio Calendar.
Passion Gospels for Holy Week
As parishes and churches make final preparations for Holy Week and Triduum, many are trying to find solutions for sharing the Passion Gospel with the congregation despite the removal of pew worship resources. The USCCB does not require a license for including the...
Blessings for St. Patrick’s Day
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Enjoy these special blessings from some of GIA's Irish composers.
A Blessing for Easter Baskets and the First Meal of Easter
The blessing of the food (świȩconka) for the first Easter meal on Holy Saturday afternoon has long been a tradition in many Eastern European churches. Children can be seen walking to church with baskets full of chocolates, candies and colored eggs, while adults have...
Encore! — Episode 2
Tony talks to Tony Alonso