Christian Leaños & Lourdes C. Montgomery M. Roger Holland II Alan J. Hommerding Tony Alonso Aaron Thompson Giulio Caccini / Arr. Karle Erickson

5 Choral Pieces 4 the Second Sunday of Advent (A)
Words by Alan J. Hommerding / Music by Lorraine Hess Words and Music by Alan J. Hommerding By Richard Proulx Words by Shirley Erena Murray / Music by Carlton R. Young By Jalonda Robertson By Suzanne Toolan, RSM
5 Choral Pieces 4 the First Sunday of Advent (A)
Christian Leaños y Lourdes C. Montgomery Ephrem Feeley Laymon T. Hunter Christian Cosas Ephrem Feeley Ken Macek and Paul Tate
5 Psalm Settings 4 the First Sunday of Advent (A)
Sing a New Psalm! Did you know that Psalm Settings from our wide variety of psalters are available as individual downloads? Visit and search First Sunday of Advent A. You'll find the psalms featured below and several others. Leon C. Roberts (Abbey Psalms...
5 Settings of For the Beauty of the Earth 4 Thanksgiving
Music by Alan Bullard By Ed Bolduc Arr. Tony Alonso Luke D. Rosen Words and Arrangement by Jeanne Cotter
5 Pieces 4 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Lorraine Hess Arr. Greg Scheer Calvin Hampton Ephrem Feeley Mary Louise Bringle / Tony Alonso Arr. Marques A. Garrett
5 Pieces 4 All Saints and All Souls
Marty Haugen Jason Max Ferdinand & Keith Kirk Tony Alonso Arr. Kyle Cothern Breda Barry King Lynn Trapp
5 Books 4 Children (and adults who love picture books)
Anneli Loepp Theissen / Haeon Grace Kang John Witvliet / María Eugenía Cornou / Joel Schoon-Tanis Scott and Stephanie Edgar / Nancy Sosna Bohm Marty Haugen / Stephen Nesser Jeanne Cotter / Chrysa Otto Matt Haugen / Stephanie Mirocha / Music by Marty Haugen
5 Books Filled with Ideas and Inspiration 4 Music Teachers
For more music education resources for teachers and students, check out the GIA annual Music Education catalog!Mindset, Mindfulness, and Leadership in Music Education and Beyond by Matthew Arau Teaching Universal Skills to Improve Performance and Benefit Life Dylan...
5 Interactive Catalogs 4 Finding the Perfect Resource