UNBOUND is your source for new congregational songs! For decades GIA has been a leading publisher of texts and tunes for congregational singing. Unbound makes thousands of those hymns available at the click of a button. Selections previously published in text and tune...

5 Wedding Music Selections 4 Cantor and Assembly
Lorraine Hess Daniel Kantor Nicholas Palmer Marty Haugen Tony Alonso / Marty Haugen Chris de Silva
5 Newer Mass Settings 4 Your Consideration
Aaron Mathews Lorraine Hess / Arr. Ed Bolduc Peter M. Kolar Ian Callanan Carlos Zapién
Encore! Episode 19 – Liam Lawton
In this episode, Tony talks with Irish Composer and Roman Catholic Priest, Liam Lawton.
5 New Choral Pieces 4 Marian Celebrations
Arr. Robert G. Farrell Arr. Tony Alonso Words by Alan J. Hommerding / Music by Lorraine Hess Music by M. Roger Holland II Words by David Scheidler, CSC / Music by Steven C. Warner Christian Cosas
Most Holy Trinity — 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Expanded Planning Pages from the GIA Quarterly!View in full screen here or download at issuu.com/giamusic For more Lent and Easter resources, view our seasonal catalog here.GIA is excited to announce that GIA Quarterly has been redesigned and fully integrated with...
5 Pentecost Sequence Settings 4 Your Consideration
Zebulon M. Highben Rob Glover Ken Macek Richard Proulx Arr. Nicholas Palmer
5 Choral Selections 4 Ascension
Kate and Scott Williams Ephrem Feeley Words by Marilyn Biery / Music by James Biery Amos Bull / Ed. Michael Silhavy W. Clifford Petty Ed Bolduc
2022 GIA Choral Reading Sessions
Music /choir directors, cantors, and accompanists... Join GIA Publications for a free event celebrating a wealth of new music! Together, we'll sing through 10 choral octavos and selections from the Gather, Fourth Edition hymnal. Each registered attendee* receives a...
5 Introit Resources 4 Eastertide
Words by Kathleen Pluth / Music by Rebecca Larson Ken Macek Larry King Lynn Trapp / Words by Delores Dufner, OSB Clark Kimberling Clark Kimberling