If you are receiving this in an email, be sure to check out Setting the Tone. Sometimes additional songs are added later! 2nd Sunday of Lent (B), February 28, 2021 Entrance Antiphon: (Ps 27 (26): 8–9) “Of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face. It is your face, O...

Song Ideas for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, 3/8/2020
Song Ideas for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, 3/8/2020 (You might want to also check back later...sometimes updates are added.) Entrance Antiphon: (Psalm 27(26):8–9) “Of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face. It is your face, O Lord, that I seek; hide not your face...
Song Ideas for 2nd Sunday of Lent (C) / March 17, 2019
(If you are reading this in an email, be sure to visit the website! CLICK HERE) - sometimes updates are added Song Ideas for 2nd Sunday of Lent (C) / March 17, 2019 Entrance Antiphon: (Psalm 27:8–9) “Of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face. It is your face, O...
Song Ideas for Transfiguration of the Lord
If you are receiving this in an email, be sure to check out Setting the Tone. Sometimes additional songs are added later! Song Ideas for Transfiguration of the Lord Responsorial Psalm (FREE): The Lord Is King - here is a psalm setting I wrote years ago, but...