Song Ideas and Suggestions for Pentecost Sunday, May 17, 2024 Entrance Antiphon: (Wisdom 1:7) “The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world and that which contains all things understands what is said, alleluia.” or (Romans 5:5; cf. 8:11) “The love of God has...

Press Kit: A Serenity of Soul
Song Ideas and Suggestions for 6th Sunday in OT, Feb 11, 2024
6th Sunday In Ordinary Time (B), February 11, 2024 Entrance Antiphon: (Ps 31 (30): 3-4) “Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name.” Sometimes by Step by Strasser/Mullins...
Advent Gospel Acclamation
If you’re looking for a new Gospel Acclamation to use during Advent/Christmas, here is one I starting using many years ago. It hints at the melody of “I Wonder as I Wander“ simply because I LOVE that tune! Feel free to use it at your parish! The verses for the 4...
Press Kit: An Evening of Readings and Carols
Review Excerpt – Sing with Understanding, Third Edition
Sing with Understanding is an exploration - a workbook- encouraging all who are involved in hymnody to reflect on both words and music, thus bringing a deeper theological understanding to congregational song. As the title suggests, this is the most recent incarnation...
How to Choose a Mass Setting for Your Parish
By Michael Silhavy We recently received a letter from a reader of the GIA Quarterly asking us for help in how to choose Mass settings for her parish. (We love receiving suggestions for topics of articles, as well as feedback on what has been published, so...
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Listening to C Instrument Parts from VOICES, #19
Here is another example of our C Instrument parts for the VOICES hymnal! The C Instrument books for the VOICES collection contain parts for every title in the collection! Here on Setting the Tone we are going to...