New and timely resources from GIA
Giveaways and Promotions
Each month, enter to win the month’s 5/4 resources and featured items, along with a few surprises!
“100th Day of School” Sale!
We are approaching the 100th day of school for the 2020/2021 school year. This is a particularly noteworthy milestone this year as we celebrate all of the extra efforts put forth by teachers, students, parents, administrators, paraprofessionals, and others. Your hard...
We’re shining a spotlight on what’s new as well as seasonal promotions and helpful resources!
Music for Holy Week
Our releases for Holy Week in various styles from a variety of composers and text authors! Visit giamusic.com for more music suggestions!by Peter M. KolarText by Alan J. Hommerding Music by Richard J. ClarkArranged by Lynn Arthur Kochby Liam Lawton arr. by Ed...