by Ed Bolduc | Apr 25, 2023 | Setting the Tone, Uncategorized
Here is another example of our C Instrument parts for the VOICES hymnal! The C Instrument books for the VOICES collection contain parts for every title in the collection! Here on Setting the Tone we are going to...
by Ed Bolduc | Apr 18, 2023 | Setting the Tone, Uncategorized
Here is another example of our C Instrument parts for the VOICES hymnal! The C Instrument books for the VOICES collection contain parts for every title in the collection! Here on Setting the Tone we are going to...
by Ed Bolduc | Apr 11, 2023 | Setting the Tone, Uncategorized
Here are some song possibilities for the 5th Sunday of EASTER, May 7, 2023 Responsorial Psalm: Lord, Let Your Mercy Be Upon Us by Bella Santander (This setting was composed by a young woman at our parish. It’s in a fresh, contemporary style. I’ve included both her...
by Ed Bolduc | Apr 11, 2023 | Setting the Tone
Here are some song possibilities for the 4th Sunday of EASTER, April 30, 2023 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord Is My Shepherd by Josh Blakesley (spiritandsong) from the CD Immersed and found in the collection VOICES listen More songs: All Around by Jacob and Matthew...
by Ed Bolduc | Apr 4, 2023 | Setting the Tone
Here is another example of our C Instrument parts for the VOICES hymnal! The C Instrument books for the VOICES collection contain parts for every title in the collection! Here on Setting the Tone we are going to feature a new song every week so...
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