by giasoundboard | Aug 18, 2021 | Audio Companions, Channels, Interviews, Resources
Welcome to Encore! A podcast audio program from GIA Join host Tony Franchetti as he chats with composers, writers, and other friends of GIA about music, ministry, and life. Episode 11: Tony talks with composer, arranger, recording producer and GIA music project...
by giasoundboard | Aug 6, 2021 | Audio Companions, Channels, Interviews, Resources
Interview with Peter Kolar
by giasoundboard | Jun 14, 2021 | Audio Companions, Channels, Interviews, Resources
Welcome to Encore! A podcast audio program from GIA Join host Tony Franchetti as he chats with composers, writers, and other friends of GIA about music, ministry, and life. Episode 9: Tony talks with WLP editor, composer, and hymn text writer Alan Hommerding. GIA...
by giasoundboard | May 20, 2021 | Audio Companions, Channels, Interviews, Resources
Welcome to Encore! A podcast audio program from GIA Join host Tony Franchetti as he chats with composers, writers, and other friends of GIA about music, ministry, and life. Episode 8: Tony talks with GIA Managing Editor Victoria Zibell. GIA Publications · Encore,...
by giasoundboard | May 7, 2021 | Audio Companions, Channels, Interviews, Resources
Welcome to Encore! A podcast audio program from GIA Join host Tony Franchetti as he chats with composers, writers, and other friends of GIA about music, ministry, and life. Episode 7: Tony talks with composer and author Marty Haugen. GIA Publications · Encore,...
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