Truth vs. “Truthiness”

Truth vs. “Truthiness”

Originally published in the GIA Quarterly, Volume 33, Issue 1 Truth vs.“Truthiness” Nick Wagner MOST OF US KNOW THE STORY of George Washington and the cherry tree. “I cannot tell a lie, I did it with my little hatchet,” confessed the future first president when...
A Season in Which to Know God

A Season in Which to Know God

Originally published in the GIA Quarterly, Volume 34, Issue 4 A Season in Which to Know God Leisa Anslinger For pastoral ministers, every season holds an invitation to ponder the paschal mystery while addressing the tactics of liturgical preparation and celebration,...
Listening With God’s Ears

Listening With God’s Ears

Listening with God’s Ears: Rethinking the “Lowest Common Denominator”   BY Alan Hommerding   “There is no sound more beautiful than people singing God’s praise!”   If there is one maxim that continues to be the bedrock of my life as a liturgical musician, this is it....
Hymnal as Textbook

Hymnal as Textbook

Originally published in Volume 34, Issue 2 of the GIA Quarterly in the Hispanic Music Masterclass column. Hymnal as Textbook Dolores Martinez I remember many, many moons ago having attended a music workshop in a parish in a coastal city in Texas. The content of the...