Originally published in the GIA Quarterly, Volume 33, Issue 1 Truth vs.“Truthiness” Nick Wagner MOST OF US KNOW THE STORY of George Washington and the cherry tree. “I cannot tell a lie, I did it with my little hatchet,” confessed the future first president when...

Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 7
Station 7 In the weight of crossbeams wooden Jesus feels the heavy burdenof our frail humanity. En el peso de los travesaños de madera Jesús siente la pesada carga de nuestra frágil humanidad.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText by Alan Hommerding Spanish...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 6
Station 6 Scourged and robed in royal purple,piercing thorns his brow encircle. “Hail!”Behold our suff’ring King. Azotado y vestido de púrpura real, espinas punzantes rodean su frente. "¡Salve!" He aquí a nuestro sufriente Rey.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 5
Station 5 Meeting Pilate’s earthly power,Jesus lives these final hoursconfident in heaven’s might. Frente al poder terrenal de Pilato, Jesús vive estas últimas horas confiado en el poder del cielo.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText by Alan Hommerding Spanish...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 4
Station 4 While the Master stood at trial, Peter spat out his denial,as the rooster crowed three times. Aunque el Maestro estaba siendo juzgado, Pedro repitió su negación, mientras el gallo cantaba tres veces.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText by Alan...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 3
Station 3 Harsh, the council’s accusations. Facing grim humiliation,Jesus boldly tells the truth. Duras son las acusaciones del Consejo. Enfrentándose a una sombría humillación, Jesús audazmente dice la verdad.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText by Alan...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 2
Station 2 See the kiss, the faithless traitor;Love Divine shows he is greaterthan the shame he will endure. Mira el beso, el traidor infiel; el Amor Divino muestra que es más grande que la vergüenza que soportará.Verse Selections from GIA Unbound'sText by Alan...
Lenten Way of the Cross — Station 1
Station 1 Jesus kneels, in sorrow praying,knows his fate, God’s will obeying:“Let your will, not mine, be done.” Jesús está hincado, con dolor ruega,conoce su destino, obedece la voluntad de Dios:"Hágase tu voluntad, no la mía". Verse Selection fromScriptural Stations...