Responsorial Psalm: Let Us Go Rejoicing by Steve Angrisano (spiritandsong) listen on YouTube Agnus Dei by Michael W. Smith (Sony/Milene/CCLI) listen from SongSelect “Alleluia, for the Lord God Almighty reigns...” As It Is In Heaven by Maher/Cash (Capitol...

Song Ideas for 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Responsorial Psalm: Our Help is from the Lord by Craig and Kristen Colson (WLP) from the collection Psalms for the Church Our Help Is from the Lord by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD Word for Word listen *Answer Me by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD We are...
Song Ideas for 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Alive Again by Maher/Ingram (spiritandsong) from the CD All the People Said Amen listen from SongSelect *Be Glorified by Tomlin/Reeves/Giglio (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2 and the CD We Will be the Light listen *Be Still for the...
If you’re like me, you’re always trying to find a nice balance between contemporary and traditional music. Obviously, a lot of wonderful melodies and texts were written long ago that are true treasures today, even in contemporary services. Sometimes, reintroducing...
Song Ideas for 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Song Ideas for 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time RESPONSORIAL PSALM: *Go Out in the World (Bolduc) WLP from the CD Awake to the Day and found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 listen *Be Glorified by Tomlin/Reeves/Giglio (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collection...
Song Ideas for 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Song Ideas for 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time FREE RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Lord, Come to My Aid (Bolduc) demo lead sheet C Inst *Be Glorified by Tomlin/Reeves/Giglio (Capitol CMG/CCLI) found in the collection Voices as One vol. 2 and on the CD We Will Be the Light...
Song Ideas for 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Song Ideas for 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time FREE PSALM: Let All the Earth Cry Out demo lead sheet *Be God's by Danielle Rose (WLP) found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2 and from the CD Mysteries listen Christ In Me, Arise by Trevor Thomson (spiritandsong)...
Great question!!!!
This past Sunday, as we were running through all of the songs before our 6:00 pm Mass, our drummer asked a really important question before we started rehearsing a particular song. He asked, “Where will this be in the Mass?” Awesome! Now I've actually gotten quite...
Song Ideas for Pentecost
Song Ideas for Pentecost FREE PSALM: Psalm 104 (higher key) Lord Send Out Your Spirit 2014 G LS (lower key) Lord Send Out Your Spirit 2014 E LS Pentecost Sequence - Pentecost Sequence LS (this is intentionally very simple...easy key changes keep it...
Song Ideas for 4th Sunday of Easter (C)
Song Ideas for 4th Sunday of Easter (C) Because He Lives by Maher et al (CCLI) Christ Is Risen by Matt Maher and Mia Fields (Capitol CMG/Essential Music/CCLI) from the CD All the People Said Amen *Come Christians Unite by Ed Bolduc (WLP) from the CD We are Faithful...