The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Music Adapted: Robert J. BatastiniFor years, GIA was able to offer our beautiful cloth-covered “worthy” book of the chanted Passion Gospels. Due to supply chain issues and production costs, we are currently unable to reprint this...

5 Festive Instrumental Recordings 4 Advent and Christmas
Jerry Galipeau, Denise LaGiglia Robert Edward Smith Kathleen M. Basi Chris de Silva Embellish Handbell Ensemble, Chicago Bronze
5 Psalm Settings 4 Christmas Day
Sing a New Psalm! Did you know that Psalm Settings from our wide variety of psalters are available as individual downloads? Visit and search Christmas Day. You'll find the psalms featured below and several others.Richard Proulx / Joseph Gelineau SJ /...
5 Psalm Settings 4 the First Sunday of Advent (A)
Sing a New Psalm! Did you know that Psalm Settings from our wide variety of psalters are available as individual downloads? Visit and search First Sunday of Advent A. You'll find the psalms featured below and several others. Leon C. Roberts (Abbey Psalms...
An Extraordinary Song: Singing the Ordinary of the Mass
Judith M. Kubicki, CSSF
Tips for Cantors: Teaching Music to the Assembly
This article is an excerpt from "Handbook for Cantors" (3rd ed.). You can find more information about this title at the end of the article. You will occasionally need to introduce new material to the assembly before the liturgy begins. Specific details of how...
Guimont Lectionary Psalms — The Abbey Psalms and Canticles
Now Available! Lectionary Psalms by Michel Guimont The Abbey Psalms and Canticles A complete set of responsorial psalms for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord throughout the three-year Lectionary cycle. About the text: The Abbey Psalms and Canticles find...
Lectionary Psalms from Lead Me, Guide Me, 2nd Edition
A Wonderful Supplement to Any Hymnal — Lectionary Psalms from Lead Me, Guide Me, Second Edition This book of Lectionary psalms, written by some of today's finest African American Composers, contains the responsorial psalms for all of the Sundays, Solemnities, and...
Amplify Possibility: Enlisting Young People for the Ministry of Cantor
January is National Mentorship Month. This article, originally published in the Summer 2020 issue of GIA Quarterly, is shared as part of our month-long focus on mentorship. FOR NEARLY FORTY YEARS, I have recruited and trained people from teenagers to elders for the...
Proclaiming and Leading the Psalms of Lent and Holy Week
The season of Lent calls us to transformation through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ. As leaders of prayer, cantors play an important role in helping faith communities enter more...