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Catechesis and Formation
Sunday Scriptures Heard amid Culture and Life
Echoes, Year A — Now Available!This collection of reflections on life and God’s word flows from our shared faith in the Incarnation, our coming to believe that when God spoke, it was not a one-time occurrence. God’s Word-made-flesh continues to echo across every...
The Church Sings Its Faith
A valuable text for both the academic setting and small group study!The Church Sings Its Faith provides a history and chronological development of congregational song and assists the reader in evaluating the importance of communal song in today’s worship. Each chapter...
We Are What We Sing: The Formative Power of Congregational Song
Kenneth Hull
5 Books 4 Children (and adults who love picture books)
Anneli Loepp Theissen / Haeon Grace Kang John Witvliet / María Eugenía Cornou / Joel Schoon-Tanis Scott and Stephanie Edgar / Nancy Sosna Bohm Marty Haugen / Stephen Nesser Jeanne Cotter / Chrysa Otto Matt Haugen / Stephanie Mirocha / Music by Marty Haugen
GIA & WLP at NPM 2022 in Louisville!
Join us in Louisville (6/27-7/1) or at the Virtual Convention (7/5-7/7) GIA is proud to support sessions and events featuring the following artists /presenters at this year's convention: Tony Alonso, John Angotti, Meredith Augustin, Kate Basi, Craig Colson, Lorraine...
A Comprehensive Music Resource for Bilingual Triduum Liturgies All Editions Now Available to Download or ShipThe first comprehensive resource of its kind, Gloriosi contains a treasure trove of ritual music that bridges linguistic, cultural, and musical differences for...
Volume 3 of Children of the Light
Now Available! Children of the Light, Volume 3 Volume 3 of Children of the Light provides rich, interactive sessions for the Period of Purification and Enlightenment and the Period of Mystagogy as children prepare for and receive the sacraments of initiation through...
Sacrament Certificates
Honor those Celebrating Sacraments for the First Time with these beautiful, frameable certificates featuring artwork by Michael O'Neill McGrath, OSFS. Baptism First Communion First Reconciliation Confirmation Full Communion Complete Initiation...
5 Pieces 4 First Communion Celebrations
By Daniel Laginya By Trevor Thomson & Pasquale Talarico By Tony Alonso Arranged by Steven Van Wye By Rob Glover Music for First Communion by Various Composers