Discover new music for Pentecost!
Celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit with something new for your choir and assembly this Pentecost! We’ve highlighted a sampling of pieces for you to explore at with more available at!
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Featured Selections

Eastertide Gospel Acclamation
from The Lyric Gospel Acclamations
This edition contains accessible gospel acclamations for Eastertide based on the hymn tune O FILII ET FILLIAE. These acclamations can also be found in the two-volume The Lyric Gospel Acclamations which contains lyric settings of every Gospel Acclamation verse from the Lectionary for Mass for Sundays, Solemnities, and Feasts.

Veni, Sancte Spiritus
Come, Holy Spirit / Ven, Espíritu Santo / Halina, Espiritu
Peter Kolar’s “Veni, Sancte Spiritus” is an exhilarating processional anthem for Pentecost or confirmation liturgies. It features driving orchestral percussion, an exuberant shout chorus, and a recurring woodwind theme inspired by the soundtrack to The Mission. In the spirit of Pentecost, the piece is multilingual and multi-stylistic, with lyrics in English, Spanish, Filipino and Latin. The piece even offers an optional call-and-response refrain for assembles to learn its multilingual text.

Veni, Sancte Spiritus
Pentecost Sequence / Secuencia de Pentecostés / Séquence de la Pentecôte
Christian Leaños
Text Author: Stephen Langton
Arranger: Ephrem Feeley

Pentecost Sequence
Ed has written a cantor, choir, and assembly-friendly setting of the Sequence for Pentecost using the approved text from The Roman Missal. The piece begins in D major for the first four verses, modulates to E for the next three verses, moves to F for verses 8 and 9, and concludes with the final verse in G. The interval relationships are the same with each modulation, highlighting the words and adding a sense of urgency.

Song of the Spirit Mass - Choral / Accompaniment edition
Years ago, Tony composed a simple, joyful Gospel Acclamation based on the tune LAMBILLOTTE (“Alleluia, Song of the Spirit”). Song of the Spirit Mass fully extends this tune-based approach to all of the sung portions of the Mass.

Come, Holy Spirit, Come
Jalonda Robertson
Jalonda Robertson has composed a high-quality, gospel-inspired choral anthem. The rhythmic, syncopated melodic line and choral harmonies are supported by an idiomatic keyboard part transcribed by Thomas W. Jefferson. A key change introduces the final verse, and the closing section begins with separate, distinct vocal entrances and slowly builds to an exciting conclusion. Choir will relish the power and beauty of both text and music.

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