by giasoundboard | Feb 1, 2021 | Catechesis and Formation, Channels, Ministerial Considerations, Musical Leadership
De vez en cuando, directores de música amigos míos expresan frustración cuando los fieles se enojan abiertamente si los cantos de la Misa se entonan en otro idioma que no sea el inglés. Con frecuencia, el culpable de esta reacción de enojo es un canto nuevo...
by giasoundboard | Feb 1, 2021 | Catechesis and Formation, Channels, Ministerial Considerations
This post originally appeared in the Fall 2018 issue of AIM Magazine. A Spanish-language version of this article can be found here. From time to time, music director friends of mine will express frustration when people in their congregations get downright angry when...
by giasoundboard | Jan 8, 2021 | Catechesis and Formation, Channels, Ministerial Considerations, Musical Leadership, Repertoire
An overview of principal themes with hymn suggestions
by giasoundboard | Jan 5, 2021 | Channels, Ministerial Considerations, Musical Leadership
This post originally appeared on GIA’s “Sing, Amen!” blog in July, 2019. I saw a post awhile back on a pastoral musicians’ forum that caught my eye. Music directors were responding to a question posed by a colleague about how much English versus...
by giasoundboard | Jul 28, 2020 | Channels, Ministerial Considerations, Musical Leadership, Webinars
Herman@s en Cristo: Ministry to the Hispanic Church Join panelists Damaris Thillet, Andrea Ramos, and Peter Kolar as they discuss ministry to the Hispanic church. They will share their own experiences in ministry and personal stories as well as perspectives on the...
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