Important Links and Information from the GIA Marketing Department

Important Forms


Problem with the website? Need a page, carousel or product updated? Search for something on the site and got something totally unexpected? Please fill in this form.


Need a video, website, special email, ad, web header, or other digital asset created? Please fill in this request form.


To nominate contributors to be featured on the main website landing pages and possibly other social media outlets. Please fill in this nomination form.

Important Information (for Customers and Staff)

Music featured at LA Religious Education Congress 2023: Click for list of music / handout

Theme song: Embrace Grace (G-10887)

Celtic Liturgy with Liam Lawton

Spanish Liturgy with Peter Kolar

Black Culture Liturgy with Roger Holland, Kim Harris, and Damaris Thillet

Concert with Liam Lawton

Taize Prayer

Liam Lawton Workshop

Tony Alonso Workshop


Potential Customer Question: Liturgy of the Hours / Breviary


Important Dates

February 2023

2/22–2/25  ACDA National (Cincinnati)

On the program: Various Walton series editors

Booth: Susan LaBarr, Bryan Gibson, Alec Harris, other Mx Ed personnel

2/23-2/26 LA Religious Education Congress (Anaheim, CA)

On the Program: Liam Lawton, Peter Kolar, Tony Alonso, Roger Holland, Kim Harris, David Anderson (Taizé)

Theme song: G-10887  Embrace Grace

Booth/Attendees: Sarah Wolf, Tony Franchetti, Keith Kalemba, Gabby Burke, Kate Williams, Alec Harris, Julio de León


The GIA Marketing Team

Marketing Director / GIA Quarterly Managing Editor

Sarah Wolf

Feel free to ask Sarah about any Marketing or Outreach related questions as well as any questions about the GIA Quarterly.

[email protected]

Hymnal/Missal Sales Manager

Suzanne Orland

Please direct all hymnal/missal information requests and questions to Sue, including questions or issues related to the hymnals app.

[email protected]

Marketing Events Manager

Tony Franchetti

Tony is your go-to for any convention or event-related questions including composer relations, handouts, programs, and convention orders.

[email protected]

Senior Digital Media Specialit

Jim Bogdanich

Jim works with many aspects of the main website as well as digital content related to our wordpress sites, emails, social media, videos, and more. Jim works with both the sacred and music education divisions.

[email protected]

Marketing Administrative Coordinator / Hymnal & Missal Sales Specialist

Raquel Velázquez

Raquel manages all requests for reviewer copies of products, works with the interactive catalogs on Issuu, is our liaison with JW Pepper for seasonal submissions, and is also a hymnal/missal sales specialist (and Spanish speaker).  She is a WLP product expert!

[email protected]

Website Specialist

Phil Konczyk

Phil is our website/web content guru. He is also an experienced and talented pastoral musician. The web-fix form above will go through Phil. He is also a great music resource! Phil is based in Michigan.

[email protected]

Digital Media Specialist

Gabby Burke

Gabby creates and sends out our sacred emails including Soundboard (every Tuesday). She also serves as a department graphic designer and is our social media specialist. She works on many aspects of Soundboard and the main website. She is based in Pennsylvania. 

[email protected]