The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Music Adapted: Robert J. BatastiniFor years, GIA was able to offer our beautiful cloth-covered “worthy” book of the chanted Passion Gospels. Due to supply chain issues and production costs, we are currently unable to reprint this...

Good Friday
Music for Holy Week
Our releases for Holy Week in various styles from a variety of composers and text authors! Visit for more music suggestions!by Peter M. KolarText by Alan J. Hommerding Music by Richard J. ClarkArranged by Lynn Arthur Kochby Liam Lawton arr. by Ed...
Song Ideas for Holy Thursday and Good Friday 2019
Songs Ideas for Holy Thursday and Good Friday 2019 HOLY THURSDAY RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Our Blessing Cup by Tony Alonso (WLP) - uses the melody of Pange Lingua listen Our Blessing Cup by Haas/Haugen (GIA) from the collection Psalms for the Church Year vol. 1 ...