The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Music Adapted: Robert J. BatastiniFor years, GIA was able to offer our beautiful cloth-covered “worthy” book of the chanted Passion Gospels. Due to supply chain issues and production costs, we are currently unable to reprint this...

Song Ideas for 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Song Ideas for 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time FREE Responsorial PSALM: Our Eyes are Fixed on the Lord by Ed Bolduc ( lead sheet demo live at Mass 10,000 Reasons / Bless the Lord by Matt Redman (Capitol CMG/CCLI) listen from...
Songs for The Washing of Feet – Holy Thursday
Hey everyone, if you’re like me you are always trying to find new options for some of those beautiful liturgical moments, and The Washing of Feet is one that deserves some thought. I would like to share two possible options with you: 1. First, the song ‘What I Have...
…last minute Psalm for 15th OT (A)
Hey everyone, In case you’re still looking for a Psalm setting for this weekend, here is something new and untested! The Seed that Falls on Good Ground - lead sheet demo Feel free to use it! –E.B.
World Library Publications to re-issue “lost” Bing Crosby recording from 1957.
“The Bible Story of Christmas,” Narrated by Bing Crosby, with Traditional Carols in Gospel Sequence Sung by the Bonaventure Choir World Library Publications Sample clip of Bing's narration Franklin Park, IL, March 2, 2017: Sometime in 1955, Omer Westendorf (founder of...