by giasoundboard | Jan 18, 2021 | 5/4, Channels, Musical Leadership, Resources
Mentoring in the Ensemble ArtsBy Tim Sharp Click to learn more Handbook for the Music MentorBy Colleen M. Conway, Michael V. Smith, and Thomas M. Hodgman Click to learn more The Conductor as LeaderBy Ramona M. Wis Click to learn more The Joy of Inspired TeachingBy Tim...
by giasoundboard | Jan 11, 2021 | Cantors, Catechesis and Formation, Channels, Musical Leadership
January is National Mentorship Month. This article, originally published in the Summer 2020 issue of GIA Quarterly, is shared as part of our month-long focus on mentorship. FOR NEARLY FORTY YEARS, I have recruited and trained people from teenagers to elders for the...
by giasoundboard | Jan 8, 2021 | Channels, Ministerial Considerations, Partner Sites
January is National Mentorship Month. This article is part of a collaboration between GIA and the One Call Institute. Learn more about OCI below. Without a doubt there are many throughout my life I would consider a mentor. Mentors play a critical role especially for...
by giasoundboard | Jan 6, 2021 | Channels, Ministerial Considerations, Musical Leadership
This article first appeared in the Fall 2020 issue of GIA Quarterly magazine. SHE COULDN’T HAVE BEEN MORE THAN FIVE FEET TALL. Shorter, I’m sure, since I can remember that the top of her head was barely visible from the other side of the organ. That poof of red hair...
by giasoundboard | Jul 26, 2020 | Channels, Ministerial Considerations, Musical Leadership, Webinars
Understanding Differences in Generational Experiences Sometimes it feels like members of different generations weren’t just born in separate time periods but that they speak a completely different language. Though we are alive at the same time in history,...
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