Singing the Narrative Lectionary Archives
May 28 – Nothing Can Separate Us
All who are led by the Spirit are children of God. Creation waits for God’s children with eager longing. The Spirit knows our weakness and intercedes for us. All things work together for good. So what are we to say about these things? …nothing can separate us from the love...
May 21 – Hope of Resurrection
Paul writes that we “who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death.” Christ was raised; we shall be, too. We are freed from sin.
May 14 – God’s Love Poured Out
Paul writes of justification by faith. We “boast in our sufferings…because God’s love has been poured into our hearts…” “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Through Christ, we have been reconciled.
May 7 – Paul Shares Good News
Paul opens the letter with warm greetings to “all God’s beloved” in Rome. He shares how much he longs to visit them. He writes, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel…”
April 30 – Paul’s Mission
Paul and Barnabas are commissioned and sent out from Antioch. In Lystra, they bring healing to a man who could not walk. The townspeople believe them to be Zeus and Hermes and prepare to make sacrifice. They preach to the crowd of the God who made “heaven and the earth and...
April 23 – Peter’s Vision
Cornelius has a vision, sending him to Peter. Peter has a vision, revealing all that God has “made clean.” The two strangers meet, and Peter declares, “God shows no partiality,” and shares the story of Jesus. The Spirit is poured out, and the Gentiles are...
April 16 – Great Commission
Jesus tells them: “Go.”
April 9 – Resurrection Sunday
The women come to the tomb. The earth shakes; the guards faint. An angel sends the women with good news. The Risen Christ greets them on the way and sends them on.
April 7 – The Crucifixion
The passion narrative on Good Friday.
April 6 – The Last Supper
Jesus and his friends gather to eat the Passover meal. Jesus offers the bread and cup with words of promise.
April 2 – Jesus Enters Jerusalem
A rally ensues as Jesus enters Jerusalem. He goes to the Temple and overturns the tables of the moneychangers.
March 26 – The Last Judgement
The parable of the last judgment, the sheep and the goats.
March 19 – The Bridesmaids
The parable of the bridesmaids and their lamps.
March 12 – The Wedding Banquet
The parable of the wedding banquet.
March 5 – Laborers in the Vineyard
The parable of the laborers in the vineyard and the equal pay they are given.
February 26 – Forgiveness
Jesus teaches on church discipline. He commends Peter to forgive “seventy times seven” times. The parable of the unforgiving servant.
February 22 (Wednesday) – Who is the Greatest?
The disciples ask about greatness. Jesus tells them to become like children, and to cast away stumbling blocks.
February 19 – Transfiguration
Parables: weeds among the wheat, mustard seed, yeast.
February 12 – Parables of the Kingdom
Parables: weeds among the wheat, mustard seed, yeast.
February 5 – Sermon on the Mount III
Jesus teaches: do not judge; ask, seek, knock; do unto others; narrow gate; a wise person builds upon the rock.
January 29 – Sermon on the Mount II
Jesus teaches: the Lord’s Prayer, treasure in heaven, [do not worry.]
January 22 – Sermon on the Mount I
Jesus teaches: Beatitudes, salt of the earth, let your light shine.
January 15 – Tempted in the Wilderness
Jesus fasts in the wilderness and overcomes the voice of the Tempter.
January 8 – Jesus’ Baptism
John preaches in the wilderness. John would have prevented him, but Jesus is baptized.
January 1 – The Genealogy of Jesus
The genealogy of Jesus, son of David, son of Abraham.
December 25 – The Shepherds and the Angels
The angels announce Good News to the shepherds. They make haste to visit the Child.
December 24 – The Birth of Jesus
Mary and Joseph journey to Bethlehem. The Child is born.
December 18 – Emmanuel
An angel speaks to Joseph in a dream, “Do not be afraid…the Child will be Emmanuel.”
December 11 – Light to the Nations
God’s servant will bring forth justice, never breaking so much as a reed. God will bring light to the nations, vision to the visionless, freedom to the captives.
December 4 – For Such a Time as This
Esther consults Mordecai in the face of the King’s cruel proclamation.